The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) & The Writing Center

Location:  Unistructure 275
Phone:     401-232-6746
Website:   Academic Center for Excellence and The Writing Center

Annually, members of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and Writing Center Staff hold over 21,000 appointments with Bryant students. The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and the Writing Center are dedicated to helping all Bryant University students achieve their goal of academic success.

Academic Center for Excellence

Our goal at ACE is to help students become self-reliant, independent, confident learners so that they may successfully meet the demands of their chosen academic curricula. This is achieved through our internationally accredited peer tutoring program and study skills instruction by our professional staff. Group sessions as a mode of instruction are encouraged, since teamwork is typical in the workplace and graduate school. The staff engages in a partnership with students to help them achieve their goals. Professional staff members, peer tutors, and faculty work together to foster a supportive learning environment.

The Writing Center

Effective written communication is essential throughout an individual’s education and career. The Writing Center offers students assistance in both personalized and workshop settings. Peer Writing Consultants and professional staff help students with papers for any course. The Writing Center’s purpose is to help students develop as writers by helping them recognize their writing strengths and challenges. The staff teaches writing as a process, and is prepared to assist students at any stage.

Academic Services for Student Athletes

The Academic Center for Excellence, in partnership with the Department of Athletics, and Undergraduate Academic Advising provides tailored assistance for the unique needs of student-athletes. Students in our Division I athletic programs have challenging schedules and often need additional help finding a balance between the Student Services demands of athletics and academics. ACE provides these students support with general study skills, time management and overall organization.

Student-Athlete study hall requirements can be fulfilled using any of ACE’s services; tutoring, writing center, learning specialist appointments and time spent in the student-athlete quiet study hall.

Academic Services for International Students and English Language Learners

The Academic Center for Excellence and the Writing Center offer specialized services for international students and English language learners to help them increase their academic confidence and improve their performance as Bryant students, preparing them for the global job market.

Services include assistance with adjusting to academic life at Bryant and in the United States; taking advantage of ACE and Writing Center academic support services; navigating the variety of support services available to international students on campus; developing study skills for college success; improving written and oral language skills; and setting goals for academic improvement.

Academic Department Chairs

It is the purpose of the Academic Affairs Division to provide the appropriate teaching and learning environment for students and faculty through administration of the above listed areas. Students should address specific concerns about course content, grading procedures or problems with faculty, first to the faculty member involved, and then to the department chair. Issues of this nature that cannot be resolved in this manner should be referred to the respective Dean’s Office.

Accounting (Suite B) – Daniel Ames 401-232-6507
Applied Psychology (Suite B) – Heather Lacey  401-232-6485
Biological and Biomedical Sciences – Jennifer Hurrell (PA Office ) 401-232-6817
Information Systems and Analytics (Suite B) – Suhong Li 401-232-6503
Communication and Language Studies (Suite H) – Chris Morse  401-232-6582
Finance (Suite J) – Kevin Maloney 401-232-6985
History, Literature, and the Arts (Suite H) – Amber Day 401-232-6747
Management (Suite J) – Elzotbek Rustambekov 401-232-6158
Marketing (Suite B) – Michael Gravier 401-232-6950
Mathematics and Economics (Suite A) – Gao Niu 401-232-6452
Politics, Law, and Society (Suite C) – John Dietrich  401-232-6432

Office of Accessibility Services

Location:  Unistructure 275
Phone:     401-232-6380
Website:  Office of Accessibility Services

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) strives to provide wholistic support for students with disabilities and educate the campus community about disability through information sharing and purposeful dialogue. OAS staff review accommodation requests and are available for consult about disability-related concerns. OAS also manages the Academic Testing Center, a distraction-reduced setting that serves as an alternative to in-classroom testing when extended time, assistive technology, or other needs require it.

Disability-Related Housing Accommodation Requests
Any student who is requesting a disability-related housing accommodation must register with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS). Students register online using the ClockWork portal, which is accessed through the My Bryant Portal ( and the Quick Links drop-down menu or by clicking on the link below:

Register with ClockWork Here

Once registered with ClockWork, students will meet with a member of the Office of Accessibility Services staff to discuss their request. If housing accommodations are approved, they will remain active for one academic year (September – May). Summer or Winter housing accommodations are processed separately.

All correspondence related to accommodation requests will be sent to the student’s Bryant University email address.

Deadlines and Timelines:
Disability-related housing accommodation requests are accepted and reviewed at any time throughout the year. However, the following administrative deadlines align with housing assignment timelines, and should be followed whenever possible.

Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors who are entering into the Spring Housing Lottery for the following academic year usually prefer to know the status of their housing accommodations request before the lottery begins. Students may complete registration and upload the required documentation through the ClockWork portal between January 1st and February 15th. This timeline will allow for an intake meeting with OAS staff and subsequent notifications to Residential Life by March 1.

First Year students must submit their registration through ClockWork to OAS by July 1st to know the status of their housing accommodations before Fall housing placement. Students who are transferring to Bryant University should register by July 1st for the Fall and by November 1st for the Spring. Summer housing accommodation requests must be completed by May 1.

Students who were approved for a disability-related housing accommodation in the past will not automatically be granted the same accommodation the following year. All students must reapply annually. Summer housing accommodations are separate from this process and must be approved for each summer spent in student housing.

Approved accommodations do not apply to friends or housing groups. The Office of Accessibility Services will not consider housing groups when reviewing requests for a single room and students are not guaranteed a single room within a suite of friends, for example. The student may elect to stay with a housing group and decline their accommodation for a single room or accept the accommodation and be placed in a setting that best meets their disability-related need as determined by Residential Life.

Wait Lists:
Applying by the specified deadline dates will increase the likelihood that your approved housing accommodation can be implemented. However, approval of accommodations does not guarantee immediate availability. When a room that aligns with the approved accommodation is not immediately available, the student’s name may be placed on a Wait List. Students will then be assigned rooms as they become available.

Amica Center for Career Education

Location:  Unistructure, 1st Floor next to Salmanson
Phone:     401-232-6090
Career Center Website:
Staff Directory Website: Career Center Staff

The Amica Center for Career Education offers a full range of career development and planning services for all students, including:

Individual career coaching on all topics pertaining to career development
• Career assessments to assist you with exploring majors and/or career paths
• Follow up support for the Gen 103 Career Launch Course
• Support in finding and applying for internships with the chance to earn academic credit
• Finding other experiential education opportunities and showcasing them by earning digital badges
• Networking with alumni to learn about occupations, industries and strategies for internship and career success

Recruitment programs and events
• Alumni-student networking events in New York City, Boston, Hartford, Washington, DC, Providence, and more
• Handshake – the student job board for both internships and full-time opportunities
• Fall and Winter Career and Internship Fairs with over 100 employers
Other specialized programs and networking events designed to connect students with industry professionals.

We encourage students to visit the Amica Center as early as the first year to get started with:
• Utilizing career assessment tools and the advice of our professional staff
• Visiting drop-in hours to write or improve a college résumé, LinkedIn profile, or other application materials
• Engaging in the exploration of internship opportunities for specific student interest areas
• Getting support for developing internship applications or other experiences to build your skills and earn badges
• Learning how to leverage campus life to benefit your career plans

Stop by our office, visit our website career.bryant/edu, call (401) 232-6090, or email to learn more about resources and services provided.

The opportunity to utilize the Amica Center for Career Education continues after graduation. Career coaching is available to alumni who are still seeking or changing careers, up to five years post-graduation. Alumni are also invited to attend the many workshops, programs, and events offered by the Amica Center for Career Education. The Amica Center is able to offer career coaching virtually when needed.


Douglas and Judith Krupp Library

Location:  George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology
Phone:     401-232-6125
Website:  Douglas and Judith Krupp Library

 Services include

  • Professional research assistance in person or: BRYANT APP Ask A Bryant Librarian; VOICE 401-232-6299; EMAIL; TEXT 401-595-7306; CHAT;
  • Assistance on the use of all print and electronic library resources
  • 24/7 campus wide and off campus access to library resources
  • Research Guides and helpful videos
  • Academic and leisure print and e-books, graphic novels, board games and puzzles available for loan
  • Print and online course reserve readings
  • Interlibrary loans and self-initiated book requests via the library catalog
  • Access to other RI academic and research libraries
  • Circulating books may be borrowed for 4 weeks; Online self-renewals available
  • Laptops, battery chargers, monitor cables, calculators, and more available for loan
  • Access to study rooms for group projects.
  • Scanning and printing available
  • 3D-printer, Cricut, VR headsets, Sewing machine available

For more info on all of the above, visit the Krupp Library.

Important things to note:

  • Unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials in all mediums is a violation of the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17 of the United States Code)
  • There is a $50.00 replacement and processing fee for borrowed items not returned; Bryant does not have fines for overdue items owned by Bryant but overdue items borrowed from other libraries may generate fines.

Undergraduate Academic Advising

Location:  MRC wing
Phone:     401-232-6210
Website:  Undergraduate Academic Advising

Undergraduate Academic Advising is a collaborative educational process between students and their advisors to meet essential learning outcomes, ensure student success, and outline the steps for achieving long-term academic, personal, and career goals. This advisor/ student partnership requires participation and involvement of both the advisor and the student as it is built over the student’s entire educational experience at the university. Students can find their assigned advisor on their Banner student profile.

Through participation in academic advising students will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to make effective decisions concerning their degree and career goals.
  • Develop an educational plan for successfully achieving their goals and select courses each term to progress toward fulfilling that educational plan.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the value of higher education.
  • Utilize the resources and services on campus to assist them in achieving their academic, personal, and career goals.
  • Be able to accurately read and effectively utilize a degree evaluation in their educational planning.
  • Create a path to graduate in a timely manner based on their educational plan.

Undergraduate Catalog

The Undergraduate Catalog is the official source of university academic policies and procedures and contains key information about accreditation, academic regulations and policies, program requirements and course descriptions, faculty information, graduation requirements and more.

For specific dates and information about registration, add/drop process, withdrawal process, transcript ordering, graduation information, final exams etc. visit the Office of the Registrar information directory

Veterans Affairs

Bryant University is honored to support students eligible for military benefits. For more details, visit the Veterans section on the Registrar’s page. A dedicated military lounge for veterans and ROTC students is available in the lower level of the Koffler Building.

Last Modified: July 11, 2024