Welcome to Bryant University!
This Student Handbook is your guide to policies and procedures you are expected to adhere to as a student at Bryant University. It contains pertinent information about student life at Bryant and outlines the responsibilities and expectations for each Bryant student and community member. It is important that you become familiar with this document as it will provide you with information and answer many questions you may have about the University and the University’s behavioral expectations.
This handbook was last updated by the Vice President for Student Affairs Office on March 3, 2025 at 1:49 pm.
Location: Unistructure 275
Phone: 401-232-6746
Website: Academic Center for Excellence and The Writing Center
Annually, members of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and Writing Center Staff hold over 21,000 appointments with Bryant students. The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and the Writing Center are dedicated to helping all Bryant University students achieve their goal of academic success.
Our goal at ACE is to help students become self-reliant, independent, confident learners so that they may successfully meet the demands of their chosen academic curricula. This is achieved through our internationally accredited peer tutoring program and study skills instruction by our professional staff. Group sessions as a mode of instruction are encouraged, since teamwork is typical in the workplace and graduate school. The staff engages in a partnership with students to help them achieve their goals. Professional staff members, peer tutors, and faculty work together to foster a supportive learning environment.
Effective written communication is essential throughout an individual’s education and career. The Writing Center offers students assistance in both personalized and workshop settings. Peer Writing Consultants and professional staff help students with papers for any course. The Writing Center’s purpose is to help students develop as writers by helping them recognize their writing strengths and challenges. The staff teaches writing as a process, and is prepared to assist students at any stage.
The Academic Center for Excellence, in partnership with the Department of Athletics, and Undergraduate Academic Advising provides tailored assistance for the unique needs of student-athletes. Students in our Division I athletic programs have challenging schedules and often need additional help finding a balance between the Student Services demands of athletics and academics. ACE provides these students support with general study skills, time management and overall organization.
Student-Athlete study hall requirements can be fulfilled using any of ACE’s services; tutoring, writing center, learning specialist appointments and time spent in the student-athlete quiet study hall.
The Academic Center for Excellence and the Writing Center offer specialized services for international students and English language learners to help them increase their academic confidence and improve their performance as Bryant students, preparing them for the global job market.
Services include assistance with adjusting to academic life at Bryant and in the United States; taking advantage of ACE and Writing Center academic support services; navigating the variety of support services available to international students on campus; developing study skills for college success; improving written and oral language skills; and setting goals for academic improvement.
It is the purpose of the Academic Affairs Division to provide the appropriate teaching and learning environment for students and faculty through administration of the above listed areas. Students should address specific concerns about course content, grading procedures or problems with faculty, first to the faculty member involved, and then to the department chair. Issues of this nature that cannot be resolved in this manner should be referred to the respective Dean’s Office.
Accounting – Daniel Ames 401-232-6507
Applied Psychology – Heather Lacey 401-232-6485
Biological and Biomedical Sciences – Jennifer Hurrell (PA Office ) 401-232-6817
Information Systems and Analytics – Suhong Li 401-232-6503
Communication and Language Studies – Chris Morse 401-232-6582
Finance – Kevin Maloney 401-232-6985
History, Literature, and the Arts – Amber Day 401-232-6747
Management – Elzotbek Rustambekov 401-232-6158
Marketing – Michael Gravier 401-232-6950
Mathematics and Economics – Gao Niu 401-232-6452
Politics, Law, and Society – John Dietrich 401-232-6432
Location: Unistructure M34
Phone: 401-232-6380
Website: Office of Accessibility Services
The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) strives to provide wholistic support for students with disabilities and educate the campus community about disability through information sharing and purposeful dialogue. OAS staff review accommodation requests and are available for consult about disability-related concerns. OAS also manages the Academic Testing Center, a distraction-reduced setting that serves as an alternative to in-classroom testing when extended time, assistive technology, or other needs require it.
Students who seek disability-related accommodations must register with the Office of Accessibility Services through the ClockWork portal. Detailed instructions about registration and other relevant information are available on the OAS web page found at the following address:
All student files are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and the intake process includes an individual appointment with an OAS staff member to discuss requests. Students may register with OAS at any time during the year. Please contact the office to learn more about significant academic and housing placement deadlines that may impact the timing and effectiveness of approved accommodations. Incoming students are advised to register soon after submitting their deposit and gaining access to the Bryant portal. Please note that all correspondence from our office will be sent to the student’s Bryant University email address.
Academic accommodations approved by OAS are active for one semester or term. It is the student’s responsibility to request academic accommodations at the beginning of every academic term (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer) through the ClockWork portal. Accommodations will not be retroactively applied; therefore, it is important to submit requests before the semester begins.
Housing-related accommodations are active for one academic year. The annual housing request process begins every January 2nd for the following academic year and is designed to align with Office of Residential Life deadlines. See the OAS webpage for more details or contact the main desk.
Location: Unistructure, 1st Floor next to Salmanson
Phone: 401-232-6090
Career Center Website: career.bryant.edu
Staff Directory Website: Career Center Staff
The Amica Center for Career Education offers a full range of career development and planning services for all students, including:
Individual career coaching on all topics pertaining to career development
• Career assessments to assist you with exploring majors and/or career paths
• Follow up support for the Gen 103 Career Launch Course
• Support in finding and applying for internships with the chance to earn academic credit
• Finding other experiential education opportunities and showcasing them by earning digital badges
• Networking with alumni to learn about occupations, industries and strategies for internship and career success
Recruitment programs and events
• Alumni-student networking events in New York City, Boston, Hartford, Washington, DC, Providence, and more
• Handshake – the student job board for both internships and full-time opportunities
• Fall and Winter Career and Internship Fairs with over 100 employers
Other specialized programs and networking events designed to connect students with industry professionals.
We encourage students to visit the Amica Center as early as the first year to get started with:
• Utilizing career assessment tools and the advice of our professional staff
• Visiting drop-in hours to write or improve a college résumé, LinkedIn profile, or other application materials
• Engaging in the exploration of internship opportunities for specific student interest areas
• Getting support for developing internship applications or other experiences to build your skills and earn badges
• Learning how to leverage campus life to benefit your career plans
Stop by our office, visit our website career.bryant/edu, call (401) 232-6090, or email careers@bryant.edu to learn more about resources and services provided.
The opportunity to utilize the Amica Center for Career Education continues after graduation. Career coaching is available to alumni who are still seeking or changing careers, up to five years post-graduation. Alumni are also invited to attend the many workshops, programs, and events offered by the Amica Center for Career Education. The Amica Center is able to offer career coaching virtually when needed.
Location: George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology
Phone: 401-232-6125
Website: Douglas and Judith Krupp Library
For more info on all of the above, visit the Krupp Library.
Important things to note:
Location: MRC wing
Phone: 401-232-6210
Website: Undergraduate Academic Advising
Undergraduate Academic Advising is a collaborative educational process between students and their advisors to meet essential learning outcomes, ensure student success, and outline the steps for achieving long-term academic, personal, and career goals. This advisor/ student partnership requires participation and involvement of both the advisor and the student as it is built over the student’s entire educational experience at the university. Students can find their assigned advisor on their Banner student profile.
Through participation in academic advising students will:
The Undergraduate Catalog is the official source of university academic policies and procedures and contains key information about accreditation, academic regulations and policies, program requirements and course descriptions, faculty information, graduation requirements and more.
For specific dates and information about registration, add/drop process, withdrawal process, transcript ordering, graduation information, final exams etc. visit the Office of the Registrar information directory
Bryant University is honored to support students eligible for military benefits. For more details, visit the Veterans section on the Registrar’s page. A dedicated military lounge for veterans and ROTC students is available in the lower level of the Koffler Building.
This section contains general campus policies and procedures which apply to all students. Specific policies for student organizations or residence halls may be found in other sections of the Student Handbook.
Any publication, poster, advertisement or brochure circulated off campus MUST be cleared through University Relations.
Bryant University has a clearly defined logo treatment that consists of the official University Seal and a Wordmark. This treatment should be used on any digital or print communication that represent the institution. Furthermore, the University Seal cannot be altered or modified in any way. To use the logo, an individual, organization, or department is asked to contact University Marketing and Communications to request permission.
Aside from the University logo treatment there are two other accepted logos that fall within the Bryant University graphic standards.
∙ Bryant Bulldogs (athletic logo)
∙ Bryant Alumni Association logo
Individuals or organizations wishing to use either of these logos must also contact the University Marketing and Communications for prior approval.
First and foremost, Bryant University follows and enforces state and federal laws regarding alcohol. Further, Bryant University is committed to encouraging and facilitating responsible student decision making. The University recognizes that responsible decision-making concerning alcohol is especially crucial to the health and safety of students, the campus community, university property, and the educational mission of the institution. Alcohol abuse is shown to have serious negative effects on the abilities of students to reach their educational goals. While students have the primary responsibility for maintaining their academic progress and overall health, Bryant University must, in all of its programs, services and activities promote and enforce the responsible use of alcohol on its campus and among its community members. To achieve this goal, as well as to monitor and regulate alcohol-related behavior, Bryant has adopted the following policies.
A. Summary of State and City Laws Concerning Alcohol
B. Enforcement
While it is understood that employees of the Department of Public Safety and the Office of Residential Life encounter violations of these policies more often than others, enforcement of the alcohol policy and other policies contained in the Student Handbook are the responsibility of all members of the Bryant community. Faculty members, administrators, staff members and students may report violations of the alcohol policy to the Department of Public Safety.
C. Alcohol Limits
Students who are 21 and over may have in their possession no more than one of the following amounts of alcohol at any time. These amounts are as follows:
D. Locations in which Alcohol may be consumed
E. Violations
There are a number of potential violations of the alcohol policy, including, but not limited to:
Under the age of 21:
General violations:
F. Guidelines
G. Parental Notification
The University has determined that parents or legal guardians of minors will be notified when there is a violation of alcohol and/or drug policy.
H. Sanctions
The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee may restrict a student with a significant prior conduct history or who has currently active sanctions from participating in Study Abroad or Sophomore International Experience opportunities. Any drinking that leads to high-risk behavior will be subject to additional sanctions.
I. Alcohol Education
As part of Bryant University’s comprehensive alcohol education strategy, we offer pre-college alcohol education, programming in the residence halls, on-going alcohol free events, and intervention services. The Bryant community encourages all of its members to seek professional assistance when they have recognized an alcohol use problem. The Bryant community can seek assistance from the following offices: Health Services, Residential Life, Community Standards and Service, Counseling Services, Human Resourcesand Public Safety.
J. Campus Events Involving Alcohol
K. Alcohol and Campus Organizations/Departments/Activities
Animals are not allowed in any Bryant University building. Any pet on campus must be leashed at all times, in accordance with ordinances of the Town of Smithfield. Tupper and Archie exception! Information regarding Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals can be found in the Residential Life section of the Student Handbook.
Cable TV will be offered in common areas across campus. Students have the option to contract with a streaming provider (Sling, YouTube TV, Philo, fuboTV, Hulu, etc.) should they wish to do so.
Any object or substance used in the commission of a crime or to violate any provision of the Student Handbook may be confiscated and disposed of as deemed appropriate by a University official.
Any device designed to emulate or manipulate radio signals (to include Flipper Zero, Pwnagotchi, HackRF One and similar devices) without specific academic purpose is prohibited from campus.
Bryant University respects and affirms the right to peaceful assembly and free speech and association. At the same time, the University has long recognized that the right to protest or demonstrate does not include the right to engage in conduct that infringes upon or disrupts the University’s operations or endangers the safety of others. In balancing these interests, the University maintains the right to implement reasonable time, place, and manner standards relating to any protest or demonstration within its programs and activities. The rights of others to equal access to and participation in the University’s programs and activities must not be infringed upon or prevented by a protest or demonstration.
Bryant University has specific guidelines for protest or demonstration activities that protect the rights of all members of the university community in an equitable and nondiscriminatory manner. These are found in the Student Handbook Code of Conduct and Employee Handbook. Failure to abide by these regulations may result in action by the Department of Public Safety and/or the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Department of Public Safety reserves the right to request the assistance of Smithfield Police and will inform Smithfield Police of this policy if requested for assistance with a protest or demonstration.
Applicable parameters include:
Protests or demonstrations that interfere with the rights of others to peaceful assembly, orderly protest, free exchange of ideas, or that interfere with the rights of others to make use of or enjoy the facilities or attend the functions of the University will not be tolerated. The Unistructure Rotunda and Fisher Center Patio are the campus sites designated for protests and demonstrations.
It is a violation of University policies whenever any individual or group impairs or prevents, or willfully attempts to impair or prevent, the orderly conduct of a University function or activity, such as lectures, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, or public presentations; or blocks, or willfully attempts to block, the legitimate activities of any person on the campus or in any University building or facility. The unauthorized occupation, or attempted occupation, of any University property, building, office, workspace, or facility that impedes the normal flow of activity is strictly prohibited.
This policy will be applied equitably and in accordance with the Bryant University non-discrimination policy.
Whenever a member of the University community, that is an employee or student, violates these policies, that individual will be subject to University discipline under applicable University process and/or arrest. Whenever a nonmember of the University community violates these policies, that individual will be subject to immediate removal from the University’s campus or facilities and/or arrest. Decisions to invoke University disciplinary action and/or arrest in the course of a protest or demonstration will be made after due warning, and such process will be implemented by appropriate officers of the University in a nondiscriminatory manner.
These guidelines cover any and all property owned and or operated by Bryant University (Bryant). Bryant permits the recreational use and business-related use of Drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) on its Smithfield campus. Recreational uses are limited to areas within Bryant’s property boundaries but outside of the areas shaded in red on the attached map. Business-related operations may occur throughout the entire campus. All UAV operations must adhere to the following guidelines:
Any questions or comments about this UAV policy shall be directed to the Department of Public Safety at 401-232-6001 or by email at dps@bryant.edu. Prohibited flying areas shaded in red.
On May 25, 2022, Rhode Island became the 19th state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. Despite this change in state law, Bryant University’s policies remain unchanged. Bryant University prohibits the use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or being in the presence of marijuana in any form. Possession of drug-related paraphernalia is also prohibited. Bryant University will remain in compliance with the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
This federal law requires that higher education institutions such as Bryant University must certify that policies and programs are implemented to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs for students, faculty, and staff on campus. By abiding with federal laws, this includes the prohibition of marijuana in any form or amount on Bryant University’s campus.
The illegal sale, possession and/or use of controlled substances, e.g., alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, and other hallucinogens, and prescription medications belonging to another are prohibited on the Bryant campus or at any University sponsored function. Students and student organizations are subject to University disciplinary action and referral to local authorities for violation of the University drug policy.
Education, Counseling, and Treatment
Students who believe they have a problem with alcohol or other drugs may present their concerns to the Office of Counseling Services (401-232-6045) and/or the Office of Health Services (401-232-6220).The professional staff in these offices can provide personal advising or counseling, detailed information on health risks and intervention strategies, and/or referrals to specialized substance abuse treatment programs as needed. All contacts with these offices are confidential and private.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Bryant University’s drug policies, please contact The Office of Community Standards and Service.
No student or group of students shall encourage or participate in any form of hazing on or off campus. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created to produce excessive mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include, but are not restricted to, paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue or sleep deprivation; tests of endurance, requiring the consumption of alcohol, food, non-food substances, or large amounts of water or liquids; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, kidnapping; blindfolds; lineups; road trips or any other such activities conducted off-campus; wearing in public any apparel which is not normally in good taste; activities involving nakedness; exposure to extreme weather, engaging in public stunts; morally degrading games and activities which are not consistent with the law, ritual or policy of Fraternity and Sorority governing bodies, the policies of student organizations, athletic teams, and Bryant departments, or the regulations, policies, and standards of Bryant University. Additionally, acts of personal servitude are prohibited such as cleaning an active member/teammate’s room and repeatedly running errands for a member/teammate.
Hover boards, electric scooters and other lithium battery powered devices are prohibited from campus due to fire safety hazard.
For your safety, swimming, ice skating, walking on ice, and throwing persons or objects in the pond is prohibited at all times.
Skateboards and roller blades and any other wheeled transportation (i.e. razor scooters) may be used on University sidewalks, but skateboard or roller blade use is strictly prohibited inside any building.
The posting policy is intended for Bryant University students, faculty, and staff, and is not intended for individuals outside the Bryant community.
Students may not post or distribute any signs, notices, posters, flyers, or leaflets without first receiving the express permission from the Division of Student Affairs.
Posters should not exceed 24”x36” dimensions. Flyers should not exceed 8.5”x11” dimensions. Please note that only one poster/flyer can be posted per bulletin board and that posters/flyers may only be posted in designated locations. All posters/flyers must be affixed to approved areas and bulletin boards only. No posters, signs, notices, etc., may be affixed in any manner to walls, doors, windows, or posts. Posters/flyers are permitted to stay posted for 30 days and extension approvals will not exceed the duration of one semester. All posters/flyers must be removed 48 hours after the event. Semi-permanent or permanent material, such as sidewalk chalk, paint, markers, stickers on signs, posts, other campus surfaces are not permitted.
Requests to print posters through Student Activities should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the desired posting date to allow ample time for processing and obtaining a stamp. Please note that printing is processed in a queue – submissions will be processed based on when they come in rather than when you need them printed by.
You can submit a poster request for student organizations here: https://engaged.bryant.edu/submitter/form/start/298395
Any non-student organization poster requests can be requested through the copy center
Digital signage should include all of the above except for a stamp. Digital signage should look the same as posters/flyers. All digital signage requests should be submitted to IT after getting approval from the appropriate office(s). For information on posting digital signage, please visit the following resources.
Charitable, Religious, and Political Solicitations are not allowed on University property unless they have received the permission of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or designee. Permission for such solicitation will be granted only to the extent that such activities are consistent in time, place, and manner with the mission and activities of Bryant University.
Student Ventures are defined as projects conducted by students for the purpose of making a profit. Solicitation applies to commercial, charitable, religious and political endeavors.
• No Bryant University student may engage in the sale and distribution of goods or services to or solicitation of subscriptions from Bryant University students, faculty, and/or staff without the approval in writing from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or designee.
• Bryant University assumes no liability for the products or services provided by student businesses.
• Students are only able to use their residence hall address (i.e., Bryant University post office box number) as a business address for the semester(s) they are actively enrolled.
• All parties granted permission to sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise must agree to abide by appropriate federal, state and local regulations.
• The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students may review at any time the operation of any student business and may revoke its permission to operate on campus.
Student Organization Ventures / Fundraisers are projects conducted by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) for the purpose of making a profit. Student organizations may sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise on campus only with the written approval of Student Activities. Such approval will be given only when it can be shown that the primary beneficiaries of the sale will be the University community and the student organization. RSOs seeking approval for fundraising and business endeavors must fill out this form.
Non-Student Ventures include all efforts to sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise by University employees, University affiliates, or commercial vendors.
• University employees may sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise on campus only as directly related to the purpose and description of their employment.
• University affiliates may sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise on campus only as provided for in their written terms of affiliation with Bryant University.
• Commercial vendors may sell or solicit for the sale of merchandise on campus only with the written authorization of an office of Bryant University acting within the scope of its authority.
For a small fraction of the overall tuition costs, GradGuard Tuition Insurance can protect your investment. Their Tuition Insurance provides reimbursement when a student is unable to complete an academic term due to an unforeseen, serious injury or illness, mental health condition or chronic illness.
For Resident Students…
For Commuting Students…
Commuting students are not considered visitors and may enter campus at any time with a valid Bryant University ID.
Visitor Pass Request Process
The Visitor Pass System is accessed through the MyBryantHousing portal
Visitor Pass Request Procedures
All Visitor Passes received by the Office of Residential Life require review and approval. Any status changes other than to Approved (i.e. Rejected or Revoked) will be communicated to both the Host and Guest.
Location: Unistructure room 277
Phone: 401-232-6128
Website: Media Services
Academic Computing & Media Services has a wide variety of Audio and Video Equipment that can be borrowed for academic and extracurricular activities.
Information Security Guidelines:
ATMs are located in the Unistructure (Bank of America) outside the entrance to Salmo Dining Hall and Chace Wellness Center lobby (Navigant Credit Union).
Phone: 401-232-6866
Website: Campus Dining
A wide variety of conveniently located dining services are available to the Bryant community through Campus Dining Services. Select the link below for more information on each of the dining vendors.
Corey E. Levine, ’80 Dining Commons
Gulski Faculty and Staff Dining Room
Bryant takes great pride in our residential community and in providing a full array of dining options for sustained physical health and the opportunity to share a meal with peers and other University members. Meal plans are required of all resident students living in all areas of the campus except the Townhouses, which provide cooking facilities.
We see this requirement as meeting our commitment to students and their families that we will serve the “whole student” intellectually, emotionally, and physically. AVI Fresh is a valued partner with Bryant University in ensuring we address the dietary needs of all resident students. Additionally, this requirement is based on economic practicality. Allowing the University to provide a full dining plan with multiple locations in a cost-effective way requires full community participation.
Please read our Meal Plan Policies carefully and fully as you make your selection for the coming semester.
Meal Plan Enrollment takes place during the housing selection process managed by Residential Life. If a meal plan selection is not made during the housing selection process, and the student lives in an area where meal plans are required, the student will be put on the 210 Block Plan by default.
Changes to meal plan selection happen through the Residential Life Office. Once a plan is selected, it will remain in place until the following semester. You may change your meal plan selection within the first 7 weekdays of each semester (first 7 days of classes) by using this link: MyBryantHousing. If you decide during the semester that you need more meal swipes, you may upgrade your plan to a plan with more meals once you have used all your meal swipes by contacting Auxiliary Services in the Unistructure: auxilserv@bryant.edu. Please see process to upgrade below.
ID cards are created at the Information Center on the first floor of the Fisher Student Center. Should your ID card malfunction at any time preventing you from using it for dining purposes, please contact the Information Center at infocenter@bryant.edu or stop by.
Meal Plan Offering to Commuters and Townhouse Residents ONLY: A 75 Block Meal Plan (75 meals) is available for purchase for $1,054.00. Students should log into MyBryantHousing, navigate to the Dining Tab, and follow the steps to purchase this meal plan. This plan does not include Dining Dollars or Bulldog Bucks.
Meal Plan Options
Plan: The Unlimited Plan*
Meals per semester: Unlimited entries into Salmanson & Corey E. Levine, ’80 Dining Commons
Dining Dollars per semester: $50
Guest Meals per semester: 3
Bulldog Bucks per semester: $25
Cost per semester: $3,555.00
*Unlimited Plan allows 5 meal swipes per week outside of Salmo or Corey E. Levine, ’80 Dining Commons
Plan: 210 Block Plan
Meals per semester: 210 (Averages out to 14 meals per week)
Dining Dollars per semester: $125
Guest Meals per semester: 3
Bulldog Bucks per semester: $25
Cost per semester: $3,389.00
Plan: 150 Block Plan
Meals per semester: 150 (Averages out to 10 meals per week)
Dining Dollars per semester: $250
Guest Meals per semester: 3
Bulldog Bucks per semester: $25
Cost per semester: $3,325.00
Plan: 105 Block Plan
Meals per semester: 105 (Averages out to 7 meals per week)
Dining Dollars per semester: $300
Guest Meals per semester: 3
Bulldog Bucks per semester: $25
Cost per semester: $3,000.00
Unused block meals and guest passes expire at the end of each semester and there are no refunds for unused meals. Downloading the GET Mobile app will allow students to check meal plan balances and purchase additional Bulldog Bucks. The Grubhub app can be used for mobile ordering and meal plan funds can be used on this app.
In addition to traditional dining in Salmanson Dining Hall and the Corey E. Levine, ’80 Dining Commons in the BELC, meal plans can also be used at other locations, offering added flexibility and convenience to accommodate a wide variety of schedules. These alternative venues include: The Archway Café, Bulldog Bytes, The Exchange, and Tupper’s. Tupper’s ordering is available by kiosk and Grubhub ONLY.
Dining Dollars come with your meal plan and can be used at most dining locations: The Archway Café, Bulldog Bytes, The Exchange, Tupper’s, Salmanson Dining Hall, and the Corey E. Levine, ’80 Dining Commons. Dining Dollars carry over from the fall semester to the spring semester each academic year, providing the student remains on a meal plan. Unused Dining Dollars are forfeited at the end of the spring semester on the last day of finals. There are no refunds provided for unused Dining Dollars upon graduation, withdrawal or for any other reason.
Bulldog Bucks can be used like cash at all retail locations. Every meal plan starts a student off with $25 in Bulldog Bucks. Additional Bucks can be purchased on the GET Mobile app. Bulldog Bucks balances remain on a student’s account until graduation or withdrawal from the University. At that time, balances of $25.00 or more will be transferred to the student’s tuition account. If the transfer results in a credit balance, the credit will be refunded accordingly, otherwise, it will be applied to any outstanding balance.
You can find more information about meal plans at AVI Residential Meal Plan.
AVI Fresh is committed to working with any student with a dietary restriction diagnosed and documented by a doctor or other appropriate medical professional. If a student’s dietary restriction is impacting meal plan usage, the following guidelines must be followed:
In extreme circumstances, the University may exempt a student from a required meal plan for documented medical conditions which cannot be accommodated by AVI Fresh. In these cases, Cheryl Brock, in consultation with Health Services and AVI Fresh, will make that determination and inform the student.
Exemptions will not be considered for vegan, vegetarian, gluten or lactose dietary restrictions as AVI Fresh provides options for these dietary needs at their “Clarity” station which provides safe, delicious choices for diners with food allergies or gluten intolerance. “Clarity” excludes dairy, egg, wheat, soy, sesame, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. Other circumstances not considered cause for exemption include work, class or practice schedules, personal preference, or financial considerations.
To ensure you are completely satisfied with your dining experience, we encourage you to provide suggestions and feedback to any AVI Fresh staff member during your meal. Staff are available at every shift to take suggestions. You may also send comments or questions about dining at Bryant to AVI’s “Text-the-Manager” at 401-358-6559.
Location: Unistructure, 1st Floor across from Amica Center for Career Education
Phone: 401-232-6020
Website: Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid provides efficient management and timely delivery of a broad range of student financial aid funds. It also serves as a reliable source of accurate information for many constituencies both on and off campus. Our efforts are guided by a strong commitment to the overall mission and enrollment goals of Bryant University. The office ensures that the highest standards of quality customer service are maintained for the benefit of Bryant University students in their pursuit of excellence, and their families to whom we dedicate our professional support.
The administration of financial aid programs at Bryant University is based upon the premise that the responsibility for education expenses rests primarily with the student and his or her family.
Financial aid is awarded on an annual basis. To be considered for financial aid, each applicant must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. In some instances, additional documents and/or information (i.e., copies of signed federal tax forms, etc.) may be required. The Office of Financial Aid evaluates each application on an individual basis to determine eligibility for assistance. All applicants are notified of the results of their application.
Current students can monitor the status of their financial aid awards, track missing documents required for processing and view their student account by logging into Banner Self Service This convenience is available to all enrolled students with an official Bryant University Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Hiring preference for all on-campus positions is given to students with Work-Study eligibility as determined by the Office of Financial Aid. All on-campus part-time job opportunities are routinely posted online and are accessible through the University’s Banner Self Service site. Interested students must contact supervisors directly.
Off-Campus job opportunities, not requiring Federal Work-Study eligibility, are posted online and are accessible through the University’s Amica Center for Career Education. The Office of Financial Aid also maintains a listing of off-campus, community service-related job opportunities for Work-Study-eligible students on the University’s Banner Self Service site.
Phone: 401-232-6983
Website: Fisher Student Center
Floor Directory: Offices, Dining Options and Meeting Rooms located on each floor
The Michael E. ’67 and Karen L. Fisher Student Center provides facilities, services, and programs for the use of Bryant students, faculty, staff, alumni, and their guests. From student organization meetings and group projects, to gathering with friends over a game of ping pong, to grabbing a bite to eat, the Fisher Student Center is a place to socialize and enjoy campus life.
Located on the 1st floor, the Information Center is the central “hub” of information for the Fisher Student Center as well as University information including ID Cards, Services and Rentals and Transportation Options. There is a $30.00 replacement fee for lost, stolen or damaged ID cards. For questions call 401-232-6245. The Information Center hours of operation are: Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 11pm; Friday: 8:30am – 9:00pm; Saturday: 12pm – 9pm; Sunday: 12pm – 11pm
Location: Unistructure, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6244
Email: bryantpo@bryant.edu
Website: Post Office
The Bryant University Post Office also operates as a United States Postal Service (USPS) contract station and is located on the upper level of the south wing of the Unistructure. The Post Office provides all the following services:
The window hours are weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. During the academic year, the Post Office is open on Saturday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm (except holiday weekends) for the pickup of packages, sorting of incoming mail and stamp purchases. Forms of payment include cash, personal checks and Bulldog Bucks.
Students should use the following as their Bryant address:
Student name
Bryant University
Student Box #
1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917
Please tell your friends and family that sending cash in the mail is never a good idea for the risk of being lost or stolen.
Box numbers are typically assigned mid-July for the upcoming year and are used for identification purposes. To obtain your box number, download the Bryant Mobile app, log into Bryant app using your username and password, and click on the PO Box icon. All mail will be held in the Post Office and available during normal business hours. Students will be notified when they receive letter mail.
x6911 or 401-232-6911
Business: x6001 or 401-232-6001 (call for an Escort)
Information: x6002 or 401-232-6002
Location: John H. Chafee Center (south/left side)
located across the street from the Unistructure and Koffler
Website: Department of Public Safety
Hours of Operation: 24/7/365
DPS is a fully staffed professional department having purview over personal security, parking and traffic, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and fire safety. This office complies with the federally mandated Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Public Law 101–542) and yearly compiles campus crime statistics. This information is disseminated annually and is available upon request at DPS and at Annual Security & Fire Safety Report.
DPS is the exclusive curator of the Parking and Traffic Rules. Its members are the sole parties authorized to take enforcement action. In the absence of voluntary compliance they can initiate one or a combination of the following enforcement actions: citations, tows, suspension or loss of parking and/or driving privileges. Monetary fines are assigned to each enforcement action and are the sole responsibility of the registered driver or the person having control of the vehicle. It is the responsibility of each person who drives and parks on the Bryant campus to be familiar and comply with the Parking and Traffic Rules posted on Public Safety Parking.
The below links will provide you with information about:
The Bryant Pledge was modeled after the principles outlined in Ernest Boyer’s Campus Life: In Search of Community. Boyer maintains that the most successful universities model and support several guiding principles. They foster those principles within the campus community. These principles were adapted to Bryant University as follows:
Bryant University is an educationally purposeful community – a place where faculty, staff and students work together to strengthen teaching and learning on campus.
The campus is a place where high standards of civility are set and violations are challenged. Bryant University is a community whose members speak and listen carefully to each other.
Bryant University is a place where each person is valued and where a respectful and welcoming community is actively fostered.
Bryant University clearly states both its academic and social expectations. All must accept their obligations as citizens of the Bryant community and expect to be held accountable for behavior as individuals and members of groups.
The university is a caring community where the well-being of each member is supported and where service to others is encouraged.
The campus finds opportunities to affirm both tradition and change. Orientation, Convocation, Homecoming, Family & Friends Weekend, Festival of Lights, Commencement and other activities are examples of celebratory activities. Good traditions must be preserved, new ones established and others extinguished.
The Bryant University Mission: Bryant University will educate and inspire students to discover their passion, become innovative leaders with character and make a difference around the world. To enter Bryant University is to become a member of a community. Membership in this community is a privilege and an opportunity; participating in and supporting this community is a responsibility we all share.
To help you succeed and to further the development of our community, Bryant University commits to:
As a new member of the Bryant University community, I will strive to:
“We never educate directly, but indirectly by means of the environment. Whether we permit chance environments to do the work, or whether we design environments for the purpose makes a great difference.” (John Dewey 1933, p. 22)
Bryant University is committed to educating students to discover their passion and become leaders of character who make a difference around the globe. Another goal of ours is to encourage students to develop a sense of self-worth, an understanding of the behavior of themselves and others, an awareness of ethical issues, and a commitment to their own responsibility for upholding and strengthening community standards at Bryant. Students are expected to obey the policies of Bryant University as well as applicable local, state and federal laws and are not entitled to greater immunity or privilege before the law than that enjoyed by ordinary citizens. As they prize rights and responsibilities for themselves, students are expected to respect the rights and responsibilities of others. For infractions of laws, regulations, policies and standards, students may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University. Such disciplinary action may be imposed for violations which occur off campus when the violation may have an adverse effect on the University.
The following selected terms are defined in an effort to facilitate a more thorough understanding of The Student Code. This list is not intended to be a complete list of all the terms referenced in The Student Code that might require interpretation or clarification. The Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee shall make the final determination on the definition of any term found in The Student Code.
“Accused student” means any student accused of violating the Student Code.
“Hearing Officer” or “student conduct officer” means a University staff member who is authorized to determine the appropriate resolution of an alleged violation of The Student Code and/or to impose sanctions or affect other remedies as appropriate. Subject to the provision in this code, a hearing officer as well as a student conduct officer is vested with the authority to, among other duties, investigate a complaint of an alleged violation of The Student Code; decline to pursue a complaint; refer identified disputants to mediation or other appropriate resources; establish The Student Code alleged violations regarding an accused student; approve an administrative agreement developed with an accused student; conduct a hearing; impose sanctions; approve sanctions recommended by another hearing body; chair and/or advise a hearing and conduct an appellate review.
“Appellate body” means any person or persons authorized by the Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee to conduct a review of a decision reached by a hearing body.
“Business day” means any day, Monday through Friday, on which the University is open.
“Complainant” means any person who submits an allegation that a student violated The Student Code. When a student believes that they have been a victim of another student’s misconduct, the student who believes they have been a victim will have the same rights under The Student Code as are provided to the complainant, even if another member of the University community submitted the charge itself.
“Consent” Consent is a clear, informed, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. Consent requires an outward demonstration, through understandable words or behavior, which conveys a clear willingness to engage in sexual activity. Consent to one type of sexual activity does not equal consent to other types of sexual activity. Consent can be withdrawn at any point during sexual activity and the sexual activity must stop immediately. A verbal “no” establishes lack of consent. Silence, without clear actions demonstrating permission, cannot be assumed to indicate consent – the absence of “no” does not equal “yes.” Consent cannot be obtained by coercion, threat or force. Consent cannot be given by someone if they are mentally or physically incapacitated. Engaging in sexual activity with a person whom you know — or reasonably should know — to be incapacitated constitutes sexual misconduct. A person also is incapable of giving valid consent to sexual activity if they are under the legal age of consent (age 16 in Rhode Island). Although consent does not need to be verbal, verbal communication is the most reliable form of asking for and gauging consent. Talking with sexual partners about desires and limits may seem awkward but serves as the basis for positive sexual experiences shaped by mutual willingness and respect. Presumptions based upon contextual factors (such as clothing, alcohol consumption, or dancing) are unwarranted and do not constitute evidence of consent.
“Designee” refers to a staff or faculty member who has responsibility for implementing the student conduct process or administering the student conduct system, in part or in whole.
“Assistant Vice President of Student Life” refers to that person in Student Affairs designated by the VP for Student Affairs to be responsible for the overall coordination of the University student conduct system, including the development of policies, procedures, and education and training programs. The Assistant Vice President of Student Life may serve as a hearing officer, student conduct officer, and/or an appellate body.
“Hearing Board Chair” means a hearing officer who observes a hearing board/meeting and during the hearing board’s private deliberations for the purpose of providing information and interpretations relative to the University student conduct system and The Student Code.
“Hearing Officer/Hearing Board” means one or more members of the University community authorized by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee to determine whether a student has violated The Student Code and to impose sanctions as warranted.
“Maxient database” means the electronic database used to track an incident and the response taken.
“Instructor” means any faculty member, teaching assistant or any other person authorized by the University to provide educational services (e.g., teaching, research, or academic advising).
“May” is used in the permissive sense.
“Member of the University community” includes any person who is a student, instructor, or University staff member; any other person working for the University, either directly or indirectly (e.g., private enterprise on campus); or any person who resides on University premises. A person’s status in a particular situation shall be determined by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life.
“Policy” is defined as the written regulations, standards, and student conduct expectations adopted by the University and found in, but not limited to, The Student Code; The Terms and Conditions of the Occupancy and Board Contract; the Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs, the Policy on Harassment; graduate and undergraduate catalogs; and other publicized University notice.
“Shall” and “Will” are used in the imperative sense.
“Student” means any person admitted, registered, enrolled, or attending any University course or University conducted program; any person admitted to the University who is on University premises or University-related premises for any purpose pertaining to their registration or enrollment.
“Student conduct file” means the printed/written/electronic file which may include but is not limited to incident report(s), correspondence, academic transcript, witness statements, and student conduct history.
“Student organization” means an association or group of persons that has complied with the formal requirements for University recognition.
“Support person” means any person who accompanies an accused student, a complainant, or a victim to a hearing for the limited purpose of providing support and guidance. A support person may not directly address the hearing body, question witnesses, or otherwise actively participate in the hearing process.
“University” means Bryant University.
“University official” includes any person employed by the University to perform administrative, instructional, or professional duties.
“University premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the University, either solely or in conjunction with another entity.
The Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee shall determine the composition of Community Standards Hearing Boards and determine which Hearing Officer(s), Student Conduct Administrator(s), and Appellate Board shall be authorized to hear each matter.
The Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee shall develop policies for the administration of the student conduct system and procedural rules for the conduct of Student Conduct Hearings that are consistent with provisions of the Student Code.
Decisions made by a Student Conduct Board and/or Student Conduct Administrator or designee shall be final, pending the normal appeal process. Decisions will be communicated to both the Complainant and Responding students.
A. Jurisdiction of the University Student Code
The University Student Code shall apply to conduct that occurs on University premises, at University sponsored activities, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the University Community and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each student shall be responsible for their conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment (and even if their conduct is not discovered until after a degree is awarded). The Student Code shall apply to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. The Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs or designee shall decide whether the Student Code shall be applied to conduct occurring off campus, on a case–by–case basis, in their sole discretion.
B. Conduct—Rules and Regulations
1. Abuse of the Student Conduct System, including but not limited to:
a. Failure to obey the notice from a Student Conduct Hearing Process or University official to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the Student Conduct System.
b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a Student Conduct Hearing Board or Officer.
c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a Student Conduct proceeding.
d. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participating in, or use of, the student conduct system.
e. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior to, and/or during the course of, the Student Conduct Board proceeding.
f. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior to, during, and/or after a student conduct code proceeding.
g. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code.
h. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the student conduct code system.
2. Abusive Conduct, physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person including but not limited to:
a. Sexual misconduct.
b. Sexual harassment.
c. Sexual exploitation.
d. Bullying/Cyber bullying.
e. Threats of violence.
f. Domestic violence.
g. Retaliation.
h. Emotional, mental, or psychological abuse.
i. Use of technology or social media to target groups or individuals.
3. Abuse of Computer Facilities or theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources, including but not limited to:
a. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.
b. Unauthorized transfer of a file.
c. Use of another individual’s identification and/or password.
d. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or University Official.
e. Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene or abusive messages.
f. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system.
g. Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.
h. Any violation of the University Computer Use Policy.
4. Abusive language or other behavior that is inappropriate, threatening and directed toward University staff.
5. Alcohol – Possession/Use – The use, possession, being in the presence of, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by University regulations), or public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age anywhere on University Property or off-campus establishments.
6. Fire safety and emergency evacuation violations, including but not limited to:
a. Arson
b. Tampering, interference with or misuse of the fire protection systems
c. Starting a fire anywhere on campus.
d. Violation of the college smoking policy.
e. Failing to evacuate a building during a fire alarm or drill.
7. Bias Incident or Hate Crime
a. A bias incident is an act of bigotry, harassment or intimidation toward a person, property or group based on the person’s or group’s actual or perceived race, religion, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, status as a protected veteran, pregnancy, marital status, or any other category protected by law. It can be an event, image, utterance, or behavior that demeans or degrades an individual or group from a protected category. This could occur physically, verbally, in writing or via social media or electronic means. A bias incident can occur whether the act is intentional or unintentional and may or may not be an unlawful act.
b. A hate crime is any crime motivated by bigotry and bias, including, but not limited to threatened, attempted, or completed acts that appear after investigation to have been motivated by racial, religious, ethnic, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression or disability prejudice or motivated by prejudice against a person who is homeless or is perceived to be homeless (RI Gen. Laws, § 42-28-46(a)(2)).
8. Breach of peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on University premises or at functions sponsored by, or participated in by, the University or members of the academic community.
9. Damage or Vandalism- deliberative or accidental to property of the University or property of a member of the University community or other personal or public property, on or off campus.
10. Dangerous Items- Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, ammunition, fireworks, BB or pellet guns, paintball guns, knives longer than 3 inches, martial arts weapons or dangerous chemicals on University premises or use of any such item, even if legally possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens or causes fear to others.
11. Demonstrations – Participating in an on-campus or off-campus demonstration, riot or activity that disrupts the normal operations of the University and/or infringes on the rights of other members of the University community; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area.
12. Disorderly Conduct – conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; disorderly conduct includes but is not limited to:
a. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on University premises without their prior knowledge, or without their effective consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person where there is reasonable expectation of privacy, i.e. residence hall room, locker room, or restroom.
b. Lewd or indecent conduct includes but is not limited to: Any act or attempted act of public nudity, streaking, mooning, and/or public urination.
13. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, other University activities, including its public service functions on or off campus, or of other authorized non-University activities when the conduct occurs on University premises.
14. Drugs- Possession/Use – The use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or being in the presence of marijuana, prescription drugs other than intended use, narcotics, or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law. Possession of
drug- related paraphernalia is also prohibited e.g., rolling papers, grinders, bongs, or pipes.
a. Despite changes in state law, (legalization of the recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21) Bryant University’s policies remain unchanged as federal law regarding marijuana use, possession, manufacturing, and distribution is observed. Marijuana in any form or amount is prohibited on campus.
15. Failure to comply with directions of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so. Any student who cannot present a Bryant ID upon request when stopped at the Entry Control Station will be assessed a $25 fine.
16. False Information – Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the student code sanctions.
a. Furnishing false information to the University, any University official, faculty member or office
b. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, record, or instrument of identification
c. Possession of any form of false identification
d. Knowingly giving false information in a University student conduct meeting
17. Gambling – Any of the following activities on University-owned or controlled property: taking or receiving gambling bets; receiving and or extorting money for gambling debts; distributing gambling material. Placing bets of any kind on University-owned or controlled property or at any University or University organization sponsored or supervised function.
18. Guiding Principles – Violations of any kind of the University’s Guiding Principles and Pledge.
19. Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule.
20. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on University premises or at University sponsored or supervised functions.
21. Theft -attempted or actual theft of property of the University or property of a member of the University community or other personal or public property, on or off campus.
22. Throwing Objects – Throwing, dropping, or projecting objects or substances out of or onto vehicles, buildings, or other University structures. This includes bottles, food, garbage, snowballs, water, water balloons, or athletic equipment.
23. Entertainment Services – The presence of unsanctioned non-University entertainment services including, but not limited, to adult entertainment, human impersonators and musicians is prohibited. The act of creating and carrying out an unsanctioned contract with such services is also prohibited. Students who have an interest planning official campus co-curricular programs or have ideas for programs for students on campus, please contact The Office of Student Activities.
24. Pond: Actions that include, but are not limited to, engagement with the pond such as swimming, ice skating, walking on ice, and throwing persons or objects in the pond are prohibited at all times.
25. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or Bryant ID card to any premises or unauthorized entry to or use of University premises including but not limited to residential hall roof access, University storage and loading docks.
26. Violation of any federal, state or local law.
27. Violation of Campus Policies and Procedures and all other University policies, rules, or regulations as published in the Student Handbook, or other official University publications produced in hard copy format or electronically on the University Website.
C. Violation of Law and University Discipline
University disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with conduct that potentially violates both the criminal law and this Student Code (that is, if both possible violations result from the same factual situation) without regard to the pendency of civil or criminal litigation in court or criminal arrest and prosecution. Proceedings under this Student Code may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off campus at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President of Student Life.
Determinations made or sanctions imposed under this Student Code shall not be subject to change because criminal charges arising out of the same facts giving rise to violation of University rules were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of or against the criminal law defendant. When a student is charged by federal, state, or local authorities with a violation of law, the University will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of his or her status as a student. If the alleged offense is also being processed under the Student Code, the University may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code and of how such matters are typically handled within the University community. The University will attempt to cooperate with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by criminal courts for the rehabilitation of student violators (provided that the conditions do not conflict with campus rules or sanctions). Individual students and other members of the University community, acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate.
The student conduct process is purposed to enforce the Student Code of Conduct. The procedures outlined below provide a fair and equitable process to determine if an accused student is found responsible or not responsible for any reported violations against the Student Code of Conduct.
Any member of the University community may file charges against a student or student organization for violations of the Student Code. A charge shall be prepared in writing and submitted as soon as possible or within a two-week period.
The Conduct process is initiated with a Notification of Disciplinary Action letter which includes the alleged charges and is sent by a Hearing Officer(s) using students’ Bryant email address. Community Standards staff will take all reasonable steps to ensure the process is conducted fairly and in good faith for all involved. The standard of evidence used by hearing officers is the “preponderance of the evidence” standard. This means that the determination is made based on whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the Student Code. Formal rules of process, procedure, and/or technical rules of evidence, such as are applied in criminal or civil court, are not used in Student Code proceedings.
Students requesting a reasonable accommodation to receive equal access in navigating the conduct process should notify the Hearing Officer and contact the Office of Accessibility Services.
Alleged violations of the University’s Title IX Policies will be addressed in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator. Please see the following Title IX Procedures applicable for such cases.
Bryant University expects that all members of the community understand their behavioral responsibilities and respect the rights of all other community members. Bryant University expects its students to adhere to high standards of civility and to behave in a responsible manner that always brings credit to themselves and the University.
1. Informal/Alternative Resolutions
An Informal/Alternative Resolution is an educational discussion regarding an alleged incident. Informal/Alternative Resolutions can take place when a complaint is received by the Office of Community Standards & Service that does not rise to the level of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. During the meeting, a hearing officer or staff designee will discuss the University’s concern with the student’s involvement in the alleged situation. This educational conversation is developmental in nature and an opportunity for students to explore the impact of their actions. Students will engage in a process of reflection to manage emotions and expectations surrounding the incident. Students will explore steps to restore and harm that was caused to others by the incident. Through such analysis, students will receive the tools to navigate and prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. Repeated behaviors will result in formal hearing process.
2. Formal Hearing
When a complaint is received by the Office of Community Standards and Service that rises to the level of a clear violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook, the complaint will be referred to the formal hearing process. Formal hearings are conducted in private with a hearing officer(s). The purpose of a formal hearing is for a hearing officer to gather details surrounding the reported incident. Accused students have the right to provide their account of an incident, including knowledge of the event and relevant materials. It is during the formal hearing in which an accused student has the full opportunity to share their account.
Hearing Officer(s) will consult a student’s academic schedule to request meeting times. Any student who does not appear for their hearing without an approved request to reschedule or who does not appear after multiple attempts to request a formal hearing will be considered absent from the process. Formal hearings will be conducted in an accused student’s absence.
After a hearing is complete, the Hearing Officer(s) will review all the materials and information gathered from the date of the incident and presented in the hearing to determine if the accused student is found responsible or not responsible. The case will be considered adjudicated after the Hearing Officer(s) submits a decision. Accused students will receive a decision letter via email from the Office of Community Standards and Service preferably within a 3 – 4-day period of the formal hearing.
Access the visual infographic of the Bryant University Student Conduct Process Infographic.
3. Student Conduct Hearing Board Process
The Student Conduct Hearing Board process a conduct process that occurs in front of a chair and a hearing board which includes a panel of impartial students, staff and/or faculty from the Bryant Community. The Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee may investigate to determine if the charges have merit and/or if they can be disposed of by a formal hearing process or necessary to follow the hearing board process. When considering such a disposition, the nature, context, severity, and impact of the incident are considered alongside the best interest of University community.
All charges shall be presented to the Accused Student in written form, which includes a written copy or an email. A time shall be set for a Student Conduct Hearing Board, not after the student has been notified. Maximum time limits for scheduling of Hearings may be extended at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President of Student Life.
a. Pre-Hearing Meeting – An accused student also has the right to attend a pre-hearing meeting with the Assistant Dean of Residential Life and Community Standards. This meeting will outline Student Conduct Board Hearing Procedures, explain student rights, and clarify any questions before the hearing. To schedule a pre-hearing meeting, please contact the Assistant Dean of Residential Life and Community Standards at 401-232-6140.
The Complainant and the Accused Student have the right to request a redacted copy of Public Safety Reports through the Department of Public Safety.
b. Hearing Board Advisor – An accused student(s) has the right to be assisted by an advisor of their choice, at their own expense. The advisor will be present at the hearing. However, students are responsible for presenting their own information, and therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to directly participate in the hearing. Students should select an advisor whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled date and time for the hearing because delays will not normally be allowed due to the scheduling conflicts of an advisor. If you need assistance obtaining an advisor, please contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or Director of Community Standards and Service at 401-232-6140.
c. Hearing Board Guidelines
i. The Chair of the Hearing Board will begin with Formal rules of process, procedure, and/or technical rules of evidence, such as are applied in criminal or civil court, are not used in Student Code proceedings.
ii. Student Conduct Boards shall be conducted in private and shall not be recorded. The Hearing may accommodate concerns for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of confrontation of the Complainant, Accused Student, and/or other witness during the hearing by providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation by telephone, closed circuit television, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, where and as determined in the sole judgment of Assistant Vice President of Student Life to be appropriate. If an Accused Student, with notice, does not appear at the Hearing, the information in support of the charges shall be presented and considered even if the Accused Student is not present.
iii. The Complainant, and the Accused Student, Chair/Hearing Officer may arrange for witnesses to present pertinent information at the hearing. The University will use reasonable efforts to arrange the attendance of possible witnesses who are members of the University community, if reasonably possible, and who are identified by the Complainant and/or Accused Student at least two weekdays prior to the hearing. Witnesses will provide information to and answer questions from the Community Standards Hearing Board/Hearing Officer(s). Questions may be suggested by the Accused Student and/or Complainant to be answered by each other or by other witnesses. This will be conducted by the Hearing Chair/Hearing Officer with such questions directed to the Hearing Chair, rather than to the witness directly. This method is used to preserve the educational tone of the hearing and to avoid the creation of an adversarial environment. Questions of whether potential information will be received shall be resolved at the discretion of the Hearing Chair.
iv. The Complainant, Accused Student, their advisors, and witnesses, if any, shall be allowed to attend the entire portion of the Hearing at which information is received (excluding deliberations). Admission of any other person to the Hearing shall be at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee.
v. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the Hearing Chair/Hearing officer.
vi. Pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements (including Student Impact Statements) may be accepted as information for consideration by the chairperson or the hearing officer. The Complainant and Accused student are responsible for preparing such document for presentation during the hearing.
vii. After the conclusion of the hearing procedures in which all pertinent information has been received and closing statements are made, the Chair and Hearing Board shall meet in private to determine the level of responsibility and recommended sanctions for a decision of “responsible”.
The Chair and Hearing Board’s determination shall be made based on the preponderance of the evidence standard, or whether it is more likely than not that the Accused Student violated the Student Code of Conduct.
d. Order of the Board Hearing
i. Reading of the complaint
ii. Opening statement of the Accused Student
iii. Presentation of the complainant’s case, including presentation of witnesses
iv. Questions of the complainant by the judicial board or officer
v. Questions of the complainant when present by the accused presented through the Chair
vi. Presentation of the accused student’s case, including presentation of witnesses
vii. Questions of the accused by the judicial board or officer
viii. Questions of the accused by the complainant when present, presented through the Chair
ix. Closing statement by complainant
x. Closing statement by accused student
xi. Adjournment. – Decisions will be communicated to both the Complainant and Accused Student within five business days
If an accused student is found “responsible” for alleged violation and/or received sanctions assigned by a Hearing Officer or by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life, the decision and/or assigned sanction may be appealed by the Accused Student(s) to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or designee within five (5) business days of the decision.
An appeal may be submitted on the following grounds:
Except as required to explain the basis of new information, an appeal shall be limited to a review of the Student Conduct Hearing Board and supporting documents.
If an appeal is granted by the Appellate Body, the Appellate Body has the right to make the following decisions based on the appeal hearing:
The appeals officer shall notify the student in writing of his or her final decision within five class days unless special circumstances make that impossible.
Such appeals shall be in writing using the Community Standards Appeal Form and will be delivered to the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or their designee.
When a student or student organization has entered the Student Conduct Process and is on a pathway to resolution, shall be assigned an appropriate sanction(s) by the Hearing Officer or Assistant Vice President of Student Life or their designee. Sanctions are purposed to provide educational and reflective opportunities, prevent future violations, and influence thoughtful future decision making. Where appropriate, sanctions are purposed to remedy, restore, and heal any harm done to the community.
Each student or student organization is required to comply with assigned sanctions within the time allotted for the sanction’s completion. Failure to complete assigned sanctions by the assigned deadline shall result in additional disciplinary actions including but not limited to fines, a hold on a student’s account. If a student withdraws before the completion of assigned sanctions the student must complete all assigned sanctions before they will be able to reenroll or contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or their designee to determine a new plan for completion.
The following list is a limited list of sanctions that may be assigned to an accused student on a pathway to resolution. One or more sanctions shall be assigned to an accused student or student organization.
1. Alcohol and/or Drug Use Amnesty for Reporters of Incidents of Violence
The health and safety of every student at Bryant University is of utmost importance. Bryant University recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary) at the time that an incident of violence occurs, including, but not limited to, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. Bryant University strongly encourages students to report incidents of violence to institution officials. A bystander acting in good faith, or a reporting individual acting in good faith, who discloses any incident of violence to Bryant University’s officials or law enforcement will not be subject to Bryant University’s code of conduct action for violations of alcohol- and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the incident of violence
2. Alcohol and/or Drug Use Amnesty for Reporters of Medical Emergencies
The physical health and safety of every student at Bryant University is of utmost importance. Students are expected and highly encouraged to alert emergency responders (DPS) or university officials (Resident Assistants, Community Directors) for themselves or others in situations where medical attention is needed due to intoxication or drug ingestion. Bryant University recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. Bryant University encourages reporting behavior and will treat the situation as a medical issue, instead of a conduct issue. The student who requests and receives medical attention for themselves will be required to meet with the Associate Director of Community Standards & Service and engage in educational and/or counseling programs. The student is still responsible for any fees related to their medical care and education. A bystander acting in good faith, or a reporting individual acting in good faith, who discloses any medical emergency to Bryant University’s officials or law enforcement will not be subject to Bryant University’s code of conduct action for violations of alcohol- and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the medical emergency. Regardless of the medical emergency, students may be held accountable for other policy violations that occurred adjacent to the medical response (e.g., property damage, disorderly behavior, violence towards responders).
The University reserves the right to suspend a student temporarily from the institution for a psychological or medical condition when there is reason to believe they are a risk to themselves or others and/ or may disrupt the community. Such action by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or their designee, will be done with appropriate professional consultation, and normally after consultation with the student involved. These policies and procedures supersede all previous statements and policies with respect to student rights, responsibilities and disciplinary procedures including, but not limited to, the policy statement contained within the undergraduate course catalog.
Parents or legal guardians of dependent students (as defined under Section 99.31 (a)(8) of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) may be notified of judicial action taken against a student. Parents or legal guardians may be notified of violations of any drug and/or alcohol policy violations. This notification would not be made in cases where a student can demonstrate financial independence.
Disciplinary records are maintained by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or the Vice President for Student Affairs/ Dean of Students. These records are normally maintained for a period of five years from the time of the hearing. While disciplinary records, files, and decisions are confidential, information may be shared with other University departments on a need-to-know basis, as determined by the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students.
The on campus contact for FERPA is the Registrar: 401-232-6080
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a Federal law that states (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. Bryant University accords all the rights under the law to its students. No one outside the institution shall have access to nor will the institution disclose any information from the student’s education records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the institution, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing students financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. These exceptions are permitted under the Act and a record of disclosure is maintained. Within the Bryant University community, only those members, individually or collectively, acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to student education records. These members include personnel in the Office of Academic Records, Financial Aid, Admission, Bursar, Student Affairs, Public Safety, and Graduate and Undergraduate Programs and academic personnel within the limitations of their need to know.
At its discretion, the institution may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the Act to include student name, address, telephone number, email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, honors, degrees and awards received including dates, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, schedule of classes, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may withhold Directory Information by notifying the Registrar/Academic Office in writing within two weeks after the first day of class for each fall term, as non-disclosure requests may only be honored for one academic year at a time.
The law provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in their educational records, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if they feel the decision of the hearing panels to be unacceptable. The Registrar at Bryant University has been designated by the institution to coordinate the inspection and review procedures for most student education records. The Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students coordinates the inspection of all disciplinary records. Students wishing to review their education records must make a written request to the Registrar’s Office at 401-232-6237.
Records covered by the Act will be made available within forty-five days of the request. Students may have made at their request of their records with certain exceptions (e.g., a copy of the academic record for which a financial “hold” exists). Education records do not include records of instructional, administrative, and educational personnel which are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary substitute, records of the law enforcement unit, student health records, employment records, or alumni records. Health records, however, may be reviewed by physicians of the student’s choosing.
Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by the Act: financial information submitted by their parents; any records to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review; or education records containing information about more than one student in which case the institution will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student. The institution is not required to permit students to inspect and review confidential letters and recommendations placed in their files prior to January 1975, provided those letters were collected under established policies of confidentiality and were used for the purpose for which they were collected.
Students who believe that their education records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading, or is otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights may discuss their problem informally with the Registrar. If the decisions are in agreement with the student’s request, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, students will be notified within a reasonable period of their right, under the law, to a hearing. A student’s request for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the individual designated, who within a reasonable period of time, will inform students of the date, place, and time of the hearing. Students may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearings by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys, at the student’s expense. The hearing panels which will adjudicate such challenges will be the individuals designated, (e.g., Vice President for Academic Affairs and representative of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, etc.) Decisions of the hearing panels will be final, will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned.
The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decisions of the hearing panels if the decisions are in favor of the student. If the decisions are unsatisfactory to the students, the students may place within the education records statements commenting on the information in the records, or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decisions of the hearing panels. The statement will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the student’s records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed.
Students who believe that the adjudications of their challenges were unfair, may request in writing assistance from the President of the Institution.
Further, students who believe that their rights have been abridged may file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA), Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC 20201, concerning the alleged failures of Bryant University to comply with the Act.
(Grievances may include, among others, sexual harassment or assault and/ or discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or disability.)
Any Bryant student or recognized student group may file a grievance in writing to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students when it appears that a personal right or guaranteed privilege has been violated by an employee of the University. The Vice President/Dean will decide if the grievance has sufficient merit to pursue using formal or informal procedures.
Formal grievance procedures are heard by an ad hoc committee appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and will mirror the procedures and protections in place for the University Disciplinary Committee with any adaptation of those procedures or protections requiring approval of the Vice President/Dean and notification to all involved parties.
Location: Unistructure, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6005
Questions regarding a student’s financial account with the University that are not resolved after discussion with the Bursar may be appealed to the Associate Vice President for Finance/Controller. The student should submit a written memorandum of his/her complaint to the Associate Vice President for Finance/Controller within 3 business days after receiving the Bursar’s decision. The Associate Vice President for Finance/Controller will schedule a meeting with the student within 5 business days after receiving the memorandum. The Associate Vice President for Finance/Controllers’ decision may be appealed to the Vice President for Business Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and must be requested by the student within 3 business days of the Associate Vice President for Finance/Controllers’ decision. Once requested, the hearing will be scheduled within 5 business days. All decisions made by the Vice Presidents will be final and shared with the student, Bursar and Associate Vice President for Finance/Controller.
Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Code shall be referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life or their designee for final determination. You may contact the Assistant Vice President for Student Life at 401-232-6140.
In light of recent legal developments, Bryant has reverted back to its prior policies and procedures consistent with the 2020 Title IX Regulations. Bryant reserves the right to revise the policies and procedures as legal developments continue to evolve.
The Bias Incident Committee reviews reports of alleged bias and offers support to those involved. The committee also works to increase awareness of the effects of bias and fosters a welcoming and respectful community for all.
Bryant University is committed to maintaining a respectful environment where all community members feel valued, have equal access to opportunities, and are empowered to contribute meaningfully. The university upholds the principles of free speech and academic freedom while maintaining policies that comply with federal and state protections against discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
We urge all community members to familiarize themselves with the Protection from Harassment Policy and to report promptly any incidents that violate the standards that we as a community seek to uphold.
The committee provides supportive measures upon request to all individuals involved in the bias incident process. These measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, and designed to restore or preserve equal access to the university’s programs and activities.
Supportive measures may include, but are not limited to:
Prohibited conduct includes behaviors that create a hostile environment or interfere with an individual’s access to education or the workplace, such as, but not limited to:
Bias incidents can have significant effects on individuals and the broader campus community, including:
To report:
A member of the Office of Community Standards, in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs, shall determine any interim measures. The Vice President for Student Affairs may also determine and implement interim measures.
Students have the right to report violations of this policy and participate as a witness in an investigation or hearing without fear of retaliation. Retaliation includes threats, intimidation, or reprisals. For example, it would be retaliatory to intimidate a witness or to shun a person from a student organization in retribution for the person having made complaints. It would also be retaliatory to use social media to negatively influence the reporting student or witnesses. Good faith reports of violations of Bryant University policy will generally not be considered retaliatory.
Bryant University strictly prohibits retaliation by any student, staff, or faculty member against a person who makes a report, assists someone with a report, or participates in any aspect of the investigation or resolution of a report.
Acts of retaliation by students are subject to the standard disciplinary procedure set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and, in certain cases, may result in suspension. Acts of retaliation by other members of the community, such as faculty or staff, are subject to sanction as set forth in the respective Faculty or Employee Handbooks.
The University’s Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy and Title IX Procedures are part of its broader prohibition against harassment or other discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, gender transition, religion, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, or protected veteran status. This commitment to non-discrimination applies to admissions, financial aid, academic matters, career services, counseling, housing, employment policies, scholarship programs, medical services, and all other programs and activities available at Bryant.
Bryant University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming educational and working environments for all members of its campus community. Consistent with these values and applicable law, including Tile IX, the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, the University maintains a comprehensive program designed to protect members of the University community from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender, which includes sex-based harassment such as hostile environment, sexual assault, stalking and intimate partner violence.
Bryant’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating Bryant’s compliance with Title IX. The Title IX Coordinator is:
Michelle Harris, J.D.
Title IX Coordinator
(401) 232-6105
The Title IX Coordinator may also be contacted at the following electronic mail address: titleix@bryant.edu.
For more information on Bryant’s Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy, Title IX Procedures, or to report Title IX prohibited conduct, please refer to Title IX and Clery Act Information | Bryant University
Prohibited conduct that does not meet the definition and/or scope of prohibited Title IX conduct may be addressed through the student conduct process. The student conduct process is described in The Student Code of Conduct. which provides additional information regarding sexual misconduct complaints. Students are strongly encouraged to read The Student Code of Conduct to fully understand the process. Prohibited conduct that does not meet the definition and/or scope of prohibited Title IX conduct involving other members of the community, such as faculty or staff, are subject to sanction set forth in the respective Faculty or Employee Handbooks.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6900
Email: belonging@bryant.edu
Website: Office of Community and Belonging
At Bryant University we are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and supportive campus that emphasizes belonging, values different perspectives, and where all members of the community matter and can succeed. This office oversees The PwC Center, which includes the Intercultural Center, the Hochberg Women’s Center, and the Pride Center.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6946
Website: The PwC Center
The PwC Center brings together the Intercultural Center, Hochberg Women’s Center, and Pride Center, creating a one-stop resource for students. By working collaboratively, these centers provide a wide range of support and services in one central location, making it easier for all students to access programs, resources, and activities that foster inclusivity and promote a sense of belonging. College can be an overwhelming time, and finding a sense of connection can sometimes feel difficult. This integrated approach ensures that all students have the support they need to build connections and feel at home in the Bryant community.
The PwC Center is dedicated to fostering a campus environment where everyone feels a strong sense of belonging. By offering resources, programs, and support, the center fosters inclusivity and helps Bryant community members feel valued, respected, and proud to contribute to a welcoming atmosphere.
The PwC Center also supports students in navigating challenges related to self-discovery, personal values, and cultural backgrounds, offering guidance and resources that encourage collaboration, empowerment, and growth. By creating spaces where all students can explore, share, and embrace their unique perspectives, the center contributes to their overall well-being and academic success.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6946
Website: Intercultural Center
The Intercultural Center (ICC) is a place for international and domestic multicultural students and organizations. The Center supports and advocates for students and groups by providing culturally enriching programs and educational workshops that focus on race, culture, ethnicity, and social justice. Staff at the ICC serve as advocates for international and domestic multicultural students and are available for consultation. The Center creates programs to enhance appreciation for and awareness of cultural diversity. As part of The PwC Center, the Intercultural Center works in tandem with the other centers that comprise The PwC Center to ensure an inclusive Bryant Community.
Available to all members of the University community, the ICC provides an inviting seating area, a kitchen, and a multimedia conference room. The seating area serves as an informal gathering, to exchange ideas, and facilitate the mutual sharing of perspectives. The kitchen is available for individuals to share a home-cooked meal, warm up a meal, or make a dish together. The conference room is available for small group meetings, and teleconference communication, and can be reserved for video/phone interviews or for individual video calls to home.
The Intercultural Center (ICC) offers social and educational programs related to diverse traditions, self-identity development, community building, social justice, race and ethnicity, and power and privilege. Other programs of the Center include heritage month celebrations, dialogues about culture and current events, awareness/commemoration weeks, annual awards banquets, and social/food gatherings. The staff advises two major student organizations – The International Student Organization (ISO) and the Multicultural Student Union (MSU).
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6470
Website: Pride Center
The Pride Center provides a safe and supportive space for all members of the Bryant community to explore and engage with issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and allyship. Through educational programs, social events, and resources, the Pride Center offers support and information related to LGBTQ+ topics and connects individuals with organizations dedicated to fostering inclusivity and understanding.
As part of the PwC Center, the Pride Center is open to all members of Bryant to explore topics related to gender and sexuality. Our center is proud to offer the Safe Zone program to all students, faculty, and staff at Bryant University, fostering a more open, affirming, and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies. The Pride Center collaborates with Bryant Pride and other student organizations dedicated to representing and supporting the LGBTQ+ community and its allies, both on the Bryant campus and beyond.
Additionally, the Pride Center offers a variety of resources to both the Bryant and local community. Please feel free to stop by for materials or information regarding hotlines, programs, organizations, films, or literature related to gender and sexuality issues.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: 401-232-6854
Website: Women’s Center
The Gertrude Meth Hochberg Women’s Center engages the campus community in meaningful discussions surrounding gender equity, women’s empowerment, gender, and sexuality. The Hochberg Women’s Center is committed to enhancing the quality of life for women at Bryant University by providing a forum for all students to discuss issues facing women; both on campus and around the world. The Women’s Center is the home of the Alliance for Women’s Awareness, a student organization, and violence prevention and advocacy services. As part of The PwC Center, the Hochberg Women’s Center works in tandem with the other centers that comprise The PwC Center to ensure an inclusive Bryant community.
Available to all members of the University community, the Hochberg Women’s Center provides an inviting seating area and a comfortable meeting space. The seating area serves as a space for informal gatherings, to relax, to do homework, to engage in dialogue, and to provide mutual support. The meeting space can be reserved by students, staff, and faculty for small group meetings, programs, support groups, and confidential conversations.
The Hochberg Women’s Center provides social and educational programs relating to women’s empowerment, gender equity, healthy sexuality, body positivity, and power-based personal violence. These initiatives offer the campus community the opportunity to enhance their understanding of gender-related issues. The Center is proud to collaborate with staff, faculty, and student organizations to strengthen co-curricular education and foster Bryant’s student-centered learning environment.
The Hochberg Women’s Center also offers Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services. The Advocacy Helpline, which provides guidance, support, and empowerment to survivors of violence, is operated by trained faculty and staff First Responders and is available 24/7 during the academic year. The Women’s Center is also home to the University’s on-campus Advocates, who are prepared to provide private support, guidance, referrals, and both on- and off-campus resources to Bryant community members impacted by violence.
Bryant University admits students of any race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color, and national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally afforded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate unlawfully on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. In addition, Bryant University does not discriminate unlawfully against the disabled and is in full compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Inquiries/complaints with regard to discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color or national or ethnic origin should be directed to the Vice President for Student Affairs:
Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917-1284
Inquiries with regard to disabled student issues should be directed to the Office of Accessibility Services, 401-232-6830, accessibilitysvcs@bryant.edu
Persons may also contact Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Region One, Boston, MA 02109, regarding the University’s compliance with regulations.
The CARE team is a team of interdepartmental professionals responsible for identifying, assessing and responding to students of concern and/or at risk. The team responds to non-emergency situations involving at risk students and works to connect them to essential support services on and/or off campus. The CARE team serves as a resource to the campus community by providing assistance and referral for students in need of support.
For more information about the CARE Team and/or to refer a student of concern, visit the CARE site.
Location: John H. Chafee Center
located across the street from the Unistructure and Koffler
Phone: 401-232-6045
Email: bcs@bryant.edu, or stop by in person
Website: Counseling Services
College students experience great challenges and adjustments in both their academic and personal lives. Many new and important decisions are made during these years. Change is constant, and stress often accompanies these new experiences.
The Office of Counseling Services provides a private and confidential setting for students to discuss these multifaceted changes, cope with their challenges and make thoughtful decisions. Counseling services are free for Bryant students. Students who are experiencing serious emotional difficulties, or who require specialized or longer-term treatment, can receive referrals to professional services off campus. The staff adhere to state and federal laws regarding confidentiality and privacy; counseling records are not part of the academic record. The Office of Counseling Services also offers wellness programming and support programs: Weekly yoga and mindfulness meditation classes, The Student Support Network, Social Anxiety and ADHD support, and other topic groups as requested.
If you need to speak with staff regarding a mental health or a psychiatric disability, please contact Dr. Noelle Harris, Assistant Dean and Director of Counseling and Religious and Spiritual Life at nharris@bryant.edu or call 401-232-6045 for a consultation.
John H. Chafee Center, Counseling Services office on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Barrington House, Health Services office on Wednesdays
Phone: 401- 232-6221
Website: Health and Nutrition
Making the transition to college life requires many adjustments including choosing the best food options for optimal health. The Office of Health and Nutrition provides students with one-on-one consultations related to making good food choices and improving eating habits for better health, more energy, and an overall sense of wellbeing as they navigate the many challenges of college life. Students can schedule private counseling appointments with a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist by calling 401-232-6221 or emailing cbrock@bryant.edu.
Location: Barrington House, Health Services office
Phone: 401-232-6892
Website: Health Promotion
The Office of Health Promotion supports students by providing information, education, and prevention initiatives that promote positive behavior change to help optimize health and wellness. We hope to create and sustain a learning environment where healthy lifestyle choices are an integral component to achieving your personal best.
Services and Programs:
Location: Barrington House
Phone: 401-232-6220
In the event of an emergency or when Health Services is closed,
EMTs are available through the Department of Public Safety at 401-232-6911.
Website: Health Services
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Health Services is a nurse practitioner run clinic that adheres to federal and state law and endorses the guidelines of the American College Health Association, the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Care is provided by full-time Certified Nurse Practitioners, a Health and Nutrition Educator, and a Health Promotion Coordinator. Clinical components of the Health Services program include the treatment of illnesses and injuries, sexual health care, women and men’s health care, laboratory services, immunizations, support services for students with physical disabilities and referrals as appropriate. All health care and medical records are considered confidential and family members are notified only in the event of a life-threatening accident or illness. Health Services does not provide written excuses for missed classes, exams, or work, due to illnesses, nor do they provide documentation of visits to Health Services.
These links will provide you with information about:
Phone: 401-232-6712
Website: Interfaith Center and Campus Ministries
Contact: Rabbi Steven Jablow, Director of Campus Ministries 401-232-6553 sjablow@bryant.edu
Bryant University is committed to the spiritual development, emotional growth, religious identity, and faith practice of all Bryant community members. The Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center provides a gathering place where all members of the Bryant community can explore their spirituality, practice their faith, and gather for friendship and fellowship.
The Interfaith Center and Campus Ministry sponsors diverse programs and speakers for both specific faith groups and for the entire community.
Campus Ministry offers religious, educational, and holiday services for Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant communities, as well as contemplative spiritual programs including yoga and meditation.
The chaplains are available to all members of the University community as sources of support, guidance, and spiritual development and integration. For their office hours or to schedule an appointment, go to Campus Ministries.
Location: Unistructure, 2nd Floor
Phone: (401) 232-6140
Website: Residential Life
The Office of Residential Life is committed to promoting a comfortable living environment where learning is promoted outside of the classroom by engaging students in their residence hall communities. Residential Life strives to foster an environment that develops students academically, socially, and globally by creating opportunities for students to connect with their peers within an inclusive and diverse community.
Categories in this section:
Leadership Team: Director, Assistant Director, and Office Coordinator. The leadership team is responsible for the department’s management oversight; setting departmental goals; policies and procedures; and serving as the University officials on call in case of after-hours campus emergencies.
Community Directors: Full-time professionals who are responsible for the daily operations in all residential spaces; supervise the student RA staff; adjudicate student discipline cases; provide mediation and support services to resident students; and oversee social and educational programs offered in the residence halls. The Community Directors live on campus to serve as university officials in case of after-hours emergencies on campus.
Resident Assistants (RAs): Sophomore, junior, and senior student leaders who live in the halls to serve as a resource for students, organize activities, uphold policies, and create an environment conducive to learning. These 64 paraprofessional staff members promote personal growth, social responsibility, and intellectual development through community-based interactions in our residence halls.
Community Directors and Resident Assistants create opportunities for residents to connect through social, educational, and cultural experiences. These opportunities provide a fun way to connect with your residence hall community. Additionally, the residence hall communities are supported by a Residence Hall Association (RHA) which provides leadership, programming, and hall advocacy opportunities to residents. RHA is a fun way to get involved in your community.
The Housing Lottery process determines housing assignments for the following year and is conducted in the spring semester each year. Students residing in on-campus housing, a university recognized study abroad program, or currently as a commuter student are eligible to participate. Any current undergraduate student eligible for housing but fails to pay the housing deposit and/or does not complete the application and housing lottery process by May 1st will be housed only on a space-available basis. Students should contact the Office of Residential Life for additional information. Housing for graduate students is not available.
Residents requesting housing accommodations, service animals, or emotional support animals must seek approval through the Office of Accessibility Services.
Students who are transferring, withdrawing, or graduating early should submit an On-Campus Housing Withdrawal Form. The vacated space must be left clean and ready for occupancy.
Institutional signs are installed by the University to provide safety, directions, parking, and general order for the campus. It is considered theft to take any institutional sign from its appointed place. Institutional signs found in living spaces become the responsibility of the occupants. Persons found in possession of damaged institutional signs also assume responsibility for the current replacement cost(s) of the sign(s)
University Property Insurance
The University’s insurance program provides the University with insurance to cover damage to our building structures. It does not provide coverage for contents or individual property.
Personal Property Insurance
Students, Community Directors and Resident Assistants may purchase inexpensive individual property insurance for personal belongings while on campus directly through National Student Services Inc. The University recommends an individual property policy be purchased with a $100 deductible for a $5,000 limit with an additional $100,000 liability coverage for as low as $15 a month. We highly recommend this insurance as the University does not insure student individual property.
Administrative searches of university rooms or vehicles may be granted by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or designee when evidence can be given, based on direct knowledge or reasonable belief, that there is a violation of university regulations. Such searches may result in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution against the offender. Room and vehicle searches may also be conducted by law enforcement agencies and University officials under the following circumstances: incidental to a lawful arrest; with a signed warrant presented by a law enforcement agency or court official; during exigent circumstances; or with the consent of the/a person having legal control of the room or vehicles to be searched.
With suspicion of a policy violation, staff of Residential Life may ask a student upon entering a residence hall, to open a carried item for inspection (ex. backpacks, storage bins, laundry bags, etc.).
Bryant University provides progressive housing options designed to foster a gradual increase of independent lifestyle and individual responsibility. Our residential campus comprises three principal areas: first-year residential houses, the suite village, and the townhouses. All housing options provide amenities including card access at each entrance, Wi-Fi internet access, and standard furniture.
First-Year Residential Houses
First-year students are placed together to assist with the transition to college life and live in Bristol House, Warren House, and Barrington House. First-year communities allow students to meet people with similar interests and form lasting friendships. First-year residential houses provide amenities including card access at each entrance, air conditioning, and wireless internet access. All rooms are equipped with a twin XL bed, desk & desk chair, bureau, closet/wardrobe for each student.
Warren House and Bristol House
These two residential houses are reserved entirely for first-year students. They are four story, co-educational houses with north and south wings. Housing 600 students, wings are gender specific with a community bathroom. Each house offers a lobby/lounge area fully equipped with recreational games, vending machines, TV, kitchenette, laundry room, and residence hall staff office.
Traditional Style Double – a shared bedroom with one other student. Shared bathroom facilities are in each hallway.
Traditional Style Triple – a shared bedroom with two other students. Shared bathroom facilities are in each hallway.
Traditional Style Quad – a shared bedroom with three other students; all students have ample space as this room is very spacious. Shared bathroom facilities are in each hallway.
Barrington House
Barrington House is a four story, co-educational house for 311 first-year and upper-class students. Suite style living offers four double bedrooms, one single bedroom, living room area and a private bathroom. Some suites also contain one large triple room. Barrington House is organized by gender with each suite assigned to a specific gender. The main lounge/lobby is complete with recreational games, vending machines, TV, a full kitchen, laundry room, study rooms, and the residence hall staff office. The Office of Health Services is also in Barrington House.
Suite Style Double – a shared bedroom with one other student that opens into a suite. Shared bathrooms are in each suite.
Suite Style Triple Room* – a shared bedroom with two other students that opens into a suite. Shared bathrooms are in each suite.
Suite Style Single Room** – a private bedroom that opens into a suite. Shared bathrooms are in each suite.
Living Learning Communities (LLCs)
Living learning communities are residential environments connecting student experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.
Warren House is home to the Honors LLC (HLLC). The Honors LLC provides educational and professional development opportunities including scholarship presentations, visits to businesses, non-profits, museums, and government organizations in the region. This community enables students to connect with Honors faculty, peer mentors, staff, and alumni.
Bristol House is home to the Women’s Leadership Living Learning Community (WLLLC). The WLLLC is a uniquely designed multi-year program providing women-identifying students with critical skills and approaches supporting their success as leaders in and beyond the campus community. Students are guided by committed faculty and staff from Residential Life, the Hochberg Women’s Center, Academic Advising, and College of Arts and Sciences. Through workshops and events, students gain awareness of the importance of civic engagement and social justice, intersectionality, and inclusive practices that help them develop as ethical leaders.
Barrington House is home to our newest LLC, the Creative Arts LLC (CALLC). The CALLC is open to any first-year student with an interest in the arts and creativity (you do not need to be majoring or have a minor in the College of Arts and Science to participate). Students in the CALLC will share a class together and will have engaged interactions with the College of Arts and Science faculty, staff, and upper-class students.
Suite Village Housing
The Suite Village is a collection of 13 identical residential houses and Newport House, surrounded by a central lawn and volleyball court. The Suite Village offers two or three double bedrooms, a living room, and a private bath for sophomore, junior, and senior students. The Suite Village includes Charlestown House, Richmond House, Kilcup House, Westerly House, Hopkinton House, Exeter House, Coventry House, Scituate House, Tiverton House, Providence House, Jamestown House, Cumberland House, and Lincoln House.
Newport House
Newport House is a five story, co-educational house consisting of 6 & 7-person suites. The building accommodates 200 students in suites with 3 double rooms, or 2 double rooms, a triple room, a communal living room, and a common bathroom. This style of bathroom is divided into 2 separate shower rooms and one bathroom with a sink and toilet. The building’s main floor is fully equipped with vending machines, a TV, a seating area, and the Community Director’s office.
Students who have an SCN (Student Credit Number) of 5 or above are eligible to apply for townhouse housing during the housing lottery process. Townhouse housing is primarily available to senior students. Each townhouse has a full kitchen with a refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher and two full bathrooms, one on each floor.
Students can choose to live in either a double or single room within their townhouse. The 5-person townhouses (A-G blocks) consist of 3 single rooms and 1 double room, with shared laundry facility in the Townhouse Community Center (*E Block houses have in-unit laundry). The 7-person townhouses (H-P Blocks) consist of 3 double rooms and 1 single room, with in-unit laundry machines. Parking is available either directly in front of the townhouse unit or in a large lot at the rear of N block.
If a student is locked out of their room, they should contact the Department of Public Safety who will dispatch an officer or Residential Life staff member as needed. The student will need to show their ID card for the room to be unlocked and will be expected to produce their key upon entering the room. The Department of Public Safety will assess a charge of $10.00 for a second through fifth occurrence and charge of $25.00 for every occurrence thereafter. This applies throughout all academic sessions and residential periods. Repeated lockouts may result in disciplinary action.
The safety of each student is of paramount concern to the University, and we have formulated specific rules and regulations pertaining to fire, health and safety. Please be advised that tampering with any fire alarm or fire protection system will result in your being held financially responsible for any damages. Along with financial responsibility, should the circumstances warrant, you could be placed under arrest for tampering with life safety systems.
Residential Life staff and/or the Fire & Safety Coordinator will document individuals and/or areas that are in violation of standards regarding fire, health and safety policies and laws. Students will be held accountable for their actions and the condition of their room and suite.
Should a Fire, Health and Safety citation be issued, the following sanctions may be applied:
First Offense—up to a $250.00 Fire, Health and Safety citation per violation at the designation of the Community Director. Covered smoke detectors will result in an automatic $250.00 fine for the 1st offence (Candles will be confiscated and destroyed with no compensation to the owner.)
Second Offense—up to a $500.00 Fire, Health and Safety Citation per violation. Repetitive violations will be considered in determining whether the offending student is permitted to reside in University housing.
Third Offense and beyond— Fire, Health and Safety Citations and sanctions per violation will be determined at the discretion of the hearing officer.
The following items are not to be tampered with or obstructed under any circumstances: heat sensors, smoke detectors, fire alarm pull stations, sprinkler heads, sprinkler piping, ceiling tile grid, fire horns, fire extinguishers, and fire extinguisher cases. Decorations are prohibited on fire doors and in the hallways, all doors shall not be wrapped in decorations, and postings and decorations are prohibited on vision panels. Should you have a problem or suspect that there is a problem with any of the above devices, please call the Department of Public Safety or notify your Resident Assistant immediately. The misuse or the replacement of a missing or misused fire extinguisher will result in a monetary fine with possible disciplinary consequences. The monetary fine will be determined by the Smithfield Fire should a student be found responsible. Should no one be found to be solely responsible, a fine will be applied to all residents of the unit, suite, floor, hall, or townhouse. Any flame source inside residence halls or townhouses is banned, including but not limited to candles, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, “vapes,” or other smoking material, incense, propane or charcoal grills. Candles are prohibited from ownership or use inside residence halls and townhouses.
Fires: There is up to a $1000.00 fine for persons who start a fire which threatens the safety and security of anyone on campus or causes damage to University property or who maliciously activates a fire alarm system (e.g., pulling an alarm station) or portable fire extinguisher which results in the activation of the fire alarm system.
Grills: Outdoor cooking is permitted only in the barbecue pits provided by the University and in the rear of the townhouse units using a self-contained portable grill. These grills must be at least 10 feet away from the townhouse and attended when in use. No grills or propane tanks may be stored inside University halls. One grill is permitted per Townhouse unit.
The Rhode Island fire law: Interference with Fire Alarm Apparatus clause states that: “Every person who unlawfully and without just cause willfully or knowingly, tampers with, interferes with or in any way impairs any public fire alarm apparatus, wire or associated equipment, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $800.00 or more than $5,000.00 or shall be imprisoned for not less than l nor more than 5 years, or both.” Individuals will be held responsible for any of this equipment in their living areas.
Smoking: Smoking, including hookah, vapes, and e-cigarettes is prohibited within 50 feet of all University facilities.
The following guidelines and the list of items to leave at home are in place to ensure a safe and healthy environment in the residence halls.
Beds and Bunking of Beds: All beds on campus must be on the floor without any modifications. Campus Management staff are the only authorized persons who are able to bunk beds. Students who wish to have their beds bunked should contact the Office of Residential Life to have their request submitted.
Bryant Student ID: Students are required to carry their student ID with them at all times.
Decorations on Door/Wall and Ceiling: Windows must be clear of any signage or decoration on the pane of the window. No more than 1/3 of a wall in a room or suite shall be covered. Absolutely nothing is allowed to cover or hang from the ceilings, obstruct passageways, cover windows, or fire safety equipment. No tapestries, flags, etc. can be hung stretching from ceiling to floor. Empty alcohol containers may not be used as wall decorations. No garland or tinsel can be hung in the residential hall rooms. Social Greek Organizations residing in designated Greek housing may display a banner no larger than 3 feet x 3 feet in their suite window. Alcohol advertisements or paraphernalia may not be displayed in windows. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to have students remove items from display in the windows and hanging banners, flags, etc. outside of windows is prohibited. Whiteboards or messaging boards are prohibited from on public-facing doors, hallways, or other community common spaces within the residence halls and townhouses. Holiday Decoration: All decoration policies will be supplied at the designation and approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or designee. Live trees and plants greater than 3 feet are prohibited as well as garland and tinsel. See FIRE AND SAFTEY REGULATIONS above for items that are not to be tampered with or obstructed.
Electrical Outlets: No 2-prong extension cords, outlet splitters, or three way “octopus plugs” are allowed in the residence halls or townhouses. Only 3 prong U.L. approved extension cords which contain a circuit break are permitted. No more than two items may be plugged into the same electrical outlet. Electrical cords cannot be “daisy chained,” cannot have frayed ends or exposed wires, must not impede a walking path, or create a hazard.
False Fire Alarms: Each residence hall will be responsible for the secure and appropriate use of its fire alarm system. Alarms may be charged to the residents of each building or townhouse block, or to the individual responsible when properly identified and as determined by Smithfield Fire and/or University Officials. Students are expected to help prevent false alarms and should report any tampering of fire safety equipment to their Resident Assistant, their Community Director, or directly to the Department of Public Safety.
Fire Drills/Alarms: As required by law, there will be periodic unannounced fire drills throughout the year. Vacate the building through the nearest exit upon hearing the alarm and maintain a minimum distance of 50 feet from the building. Law requires evacuation in the event of an alarm; disciplinary action and/or fines may result from non-compliance.
Per § 23-28.12-36 Fire alarm systems – Fire drills – Penalties:
Heating Vents: The heating vents in rooms and suites are to remain unobstructed. Blocking heating vents causes an imbalance in the HVAC system and may result in a triggered fire alarm; a fine and/or disciplinary action will occur. If you have problems with your heat, submit a work request through the online maintenance system.
Kitchen Appliances: The following appliances are allowed in all residence halls:
Locking of the main doors: Residence Hall and Townhouse doors are locked at all times. Propping doors to a residence hall or Townhouse may result in disciplinary action. Residents are expected to lock their doors and are responsible for the cost of any damage or theft due to negligence of tampering with locking mechanisms.
Room Exits: The ability to enter and exit a room or suite must always be through a clear and unobstructed path.
Room/Suite/Townhouse Capacity: The following halls with traditional-style individual rooms have a capacity of eight (8) people: Charleston House, Richmond House, Kilcup House, Westerly House, Hopkinton House, Exeter House, Coventry House, Scituate House, Tiverton House, Providence House, Jamestown House, Cumberland House, Lincoln House, Newport House, Warren House, Bristol House, and Barrington House
The following halls with traditional-style double rooms have a capacity of eight (8) people: Bristol House and Warren House.
The following halls with suite-style rooms have a capacity of fifteen (15) people: Charleston House, Richmond House, Kilcup House, Westerly House, Hopkinton House, Exeter House, Coventry House, Scituate House, Tiverton House, Providence House, Jamestown House, Cumberland House, Lincoln House, Newport House, and Barrington House.
Traditional-style triple rooms have a capacity of eight (8) people, and traditional-style quad rooms have a capacity of ten (10) people.
The townhouse unit has a capacity of twenty (20) people.
Screens and Windows: Screens in all areas are not to be removed under any circumstances. If your screen is vandalized, stolen, or falls out, notify your Resident Assistant immediately. Tampering with or removing screens could result in disciplinary action. Windows may not be used as a form of entrance or exit.
Thefts and Damages: The University provides locks on rooms, suites, townhouses, and front doors of the residence halls. Most thefts and damages to property occur because of unlocked doors. In the event that you experience a loss or theft, immediately notify your Resident Assistant, and report the matter to the Department of Public Safety.
Trash & Recycling: Each living area has a responsibility to dispose of trash & recyclables properly in designated locations. Residents are not permitted to leave their trash outside their hallway doors. There are specific instructions for each residential area. It is the responsibility of each resident to familiarize themselves with the set of instructions which applies to their living area. Citations/fines may be issued to individual(s) or floors in violation of University policies regarding proper trash/recycling disposal.
Bryant University is a place where the dignity of each person is honored and where diversity is aggressively pursued.
The Office of residential Life, in accordance with Bryant University Guiding Principles, takes a zero-indifference attitude (misconduct will not be ignored or justified, it will instead be investigated and followed up appropriately) towards degrading language or conduct, biases against all protected identities, microaggressions and any other behavior deemed a violation of policy by the Student Handbook and this document.
All students living in Bryant University residence halls are subject to the terms and conditions of the University’s policies governing student conduct and are responsible for knowing and observing University regulations and procedures. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and/or removal from university housing.
This agreement is subject to all provisions of the Bryant University student handbook and all other rules and regulations of the University that may be in effect at any time. Such provisions and such rules and regulations are expressly incorporated by reference in this contract.
1. Eligibility – A student must be classified as a full-time undergraduate student registered for at least 12 credits per semester to live in University residence halls. Exceptions may be reviewed by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or Director of Residential Life.
2. Terms of Contract – This contract is for a period of one academic year. All residents including townhouse residents must vacate halls for specific periods of time, such as vacation or holiday periods and at the conclusion of each semester. This agreement remains in effect during vacation, holiday periods, and other periods of time when the University is closed. Thus, if a student, for whatever reason, remains in the residence halls, appropriate action may be taken under disciplinary provisions of the student handbook. The University reserves the right to institute additional policies as needed during the periods of time that periods of time that the University is closed. Students wishing to cancel their housing must do so before the start of the semester in order to receive a refund. Canceling after the start of the semester will result in continuing to be charged the full semester’s housing cost.
3. Deposit – A $400 damage deposit will be due prior to entering the residence halls. The $400 deposit remains on file throughout the student’s residency, should a student withdraw and re-enter housing, the student would need to ensure the damage deposit again is made. Returning students are charged a $300 non-refundable room reservation deposit due by the deadline established in the housing lottery process. If a student pays the room deposit by the deadline and selects or is assigned to a room during the housing lottery process, they are guaranteed a space for the forthcoming academic year. Students who fail to pay a deposit and/or go through the housing lottery process by the established deadline, will not be guaranteed a space for the forthcoming academic year. Commuter students wishing to move on campus are placed on a space available basis and should pay a housing deposit when instructed by Residential Life. The balance of this damage deposit is returned, less any charges, when the student permanently leaves the residence halls. Students will be charged for any damages that exceed their damage deposit.
4. Insurance and University Liability – As stated in the Student Handbook, the University is not responsible for damage to personal property by water, fire, theft, or any other cause, or for any property left in the halls upon closing. In addition, I agree that I am aware of and have had the opportunity to enroll in the Student Personal Property Plan through National Student Services, Inc. to supplement any homeowners or rental insurance my family may maintain. A link to this resource is located on the Office of Residential Life webpage. The University assumes no responsibility or liability for any damage to property or personal injuries caused by the intentional, willful, or malicious conduct of students, including without limitation to such conduct as biting, wrestling, vandalism, horseplay, etc. However, these issues will be investigated through the University’s Department of Public Safety and Community Standards processes.
5. Meal Plan – All non-townhouse resident students are required to participate in a University meal plan of 105 block plan or greater. Students who failed to indicate which meal plan they prefer in the assigned timeframe for their class year will be assigned a 210-block plan. Students will access the housing portal to submit meal plan changes during the change period. Once a plan is selected, it will remain in place until the following semester. You are able to change your meal plan selection within the first 7 days of classes of each semester. No meal plan changes will be honored after the end of the meal plan change period.
6. Resident Responsibility – Residents are responsible for all activities that occur within their assigned rooms, suites, and townhouses. Including, but not limited to, immediately reporting possible violations of Bryant University policy to appropriate University officials.
7. Compliance – Residents are expected to comply with a reasonable request by any University official, or to provide identification to any University staff member acting in accordance with their duties. Not responding to a University official’s request constitutes a serious violation of university regulations, and disciplinary action will be taken. If it is necessary to call in outside authorities, students may be subject to further disciplinary or legal action.
1. Room Assignment and Modifications – Although every effort is made to accommodate the specific requests of all students, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to change room assignments whenever necessary. There are no room changes allowed in the first two weeks of the semester. Students wishing to make a room change between the fall and spring semesters must pack and move their belongings before the residence halls close for winter break or may be required to return to campus on agreed upon date. Additionally, any vacant room space must be left in move-in condition for a new occupant. Should any remaining residents choose to place belongings in, on, or around the vacant space, they are required to remove their items and make the room ready for occupancy immediately upon request by the Office of Residential Life. If a student moves rooms, withdraws from housing, takes a leave of absence, graduates, or vacates residency on campus for any reason, they must immediately remove all belongings from the residence halls. If any belongings are left behind, they will be deemed trash, and Bryant University reserves the right to remove and discard that property without compensation to the owner. Keys must be returned in order to properly checkout or withdraw, or at the request of the Office of Residential Life and may be returned to the Office of Residential Life, the Department of Public Safety, or the campus lock shop.
2. Housing Accommodations – Any accommodation, including physical, mental and emotional, must be submitted to the Office of Accessibility Services and must be reapplied for each year. Please call 401-232-6830 or contact their office at Accessibilitysvcs@bryant.edu.
3. Gender-Inclusive Housing – Gender-inclusive housing is available upon request which provides students with the opportunity to room with student(s) regardless of sex, gender, gender identity/expression, or sexual orientation. Only students who apply for gender-inclusive housing are assigned to this option, but it is not mandatory for students of any identity to disclose this information or request gender-inclusive housing.
4. Move In/Out – Every student must check in formally in the beginning of the semester and check out properly at the end of each academic year. The online Room Condition Report is used by Residential Life as a basis for assessment of charges due to damage or loss and must be reviewed by each resident student at the onset of occupancy each academic year. Failure to review the online Room Condition Report upon occupancy will not be basis for an appeal to damage assessment. Students are expected to leave their living areas in the same condition as they were when they moved into the residence hall and will be charged for any failure to meet this expectation. Students must remove all personal property from the residence hall at the end of the academic year. Bryant University is not responsible for property left in the residence halls after closing.
5. Early Arrivals – The University does not allow students to arrive on campus early or remain in the residence halls after the designated dates and times for their class year. Students required by the University to be on campus prior to fall opening, during breaks, or after hall closing for athletic training, work, or leadership training, must have approval of Athletics or their faculty/staff supervisor, as well as the Office of Residential Life. University officials have the right to enter student rooms during these periods to complete necessary inspections, inventory, and maintenance tasks. The residence halls and townhouses will be alcohol free regardless of age, and guests are prohibited during early arrival/late stay periods.
6. Break Periods – All students must vacate the residence halls when they are closed for Thanksgiving, winter, and spring break periods, and during the academic year for unforeseen circumstances. The Residential Life Office may make exceptions to this policy for extreme circumstances and reserves the right to deny any request. There will be a $50/per night fine for any students staying without permission as well as immediate removal from campus. Students must contact the Office of Residential Life to make arrangements to be escorted to their assigned living space to retrieve personal items during break periods.
7. Decorations – Windows must be clear of any signage or decoration on the pane of the window. No more than 1/3 of a wall in a room or suite shall be covered. Absolutely nothing is allowed to cover or hang from the ceilings, obstruct passageways, cover windows, or fire safety equipment. No tapestries, flags, etc. can be hung stretching from ceiling to floor. Empty alcohol containers may not be used as wall decorations. No garland or tinsel can be hung in the residential hall rooms. Social Greek Organizations residing in designated Greek housing may display a banner no larger than 3 feet x 3 feet in their suite window. Alcohol advertisements or paraphernalia may not be displayed in windows. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to have students remove items from display in the windows and hanging banners, flags, etc. outside of windows is prohibited. Whiteboards or messaging boards are prohibited from on public-facing doors, hallways, or other community common spaces within the residence halls and townhouses.
8. Room Changes – All room changes must be discussed with and approved by Residential Life staff. The Office of Residential Life discourages the belief that room changes are always the best way to resolve roommate issues. When a student requests a room change because of roommate conflicts, they may also require that a living space agreement be drafted and adhered to for that period of time. Should any student attempt to force another occupant to move out by creating, perpetuating, or instigating conflict, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to determine which student may or will be relocated. Any threats of retaliation will be subject to an investigation and will undergo the Community Standards process. Retaliation is defined as threats, intimidation, or reprisals towards another in reaction to an individual’s self-advocacy. A fine may be assessed, and a referral for judicial action may be issued, for any room change not approved by the Office of Residential Life. Room changes will be approved on a space available basis. Should a vacancy occur in a room, suite, or townhouse, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to place a student into that space. Should any room, suite, or townhouse occupant attempt to intentionally mislead, deny, or dissuade a potential new occupant from moving in, disciplinary action and review of housing status may result.
9. Keys – Room keys will be issued to each student at the beginning of the occupancy period. Students are expected to carry their keys with them at all times. Keys may not be transferred, duplicated, or given to others. Lost keys must be reported to the Office of Residential Life. The cost of replacement is $100 and will be borne by the student and will not be deducted from the student’s damage deposit. The University will not be responsible for any damage or personal injury to any student or guest or to their property that results from a failure to immediately report lost or stolen keys.
10. Condition of the Room/Cleanliness – Students are expected to always keep their living area in a clean and habitable condition. If it is determined that a student’s living area falls below acceptable health or safety standards, as determined by the University, the students will be required to address these concerns. Students will be held responsible for maintaining their rooms in a clean and habitable condition. Unauthorized furnishings (e.g., lounge chairs, couches, tables, etc.) may not be brought into student rooms or suites. University furniture cannot be brought outside of residence halls and townhouses. Painting of student rooms or common areas is strictly forbidden. Students are prohibited from making any modifications to the University issued facilities made available in the residential hall rooms and townhouses. Any modification found without prior approval and direction from the Office of Accessibility Services and Residential Life will be considered vandalism or damage. A violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or financial charges.
11. Condition of Common Areas – Residents are responsible for keeping hallways, bathrooms, and common areas of the residence halls and adjacent grounds free of personal trash and belongings. Residents may receive monetary fines for the trash removal or cleaning of waste left in the common areas.
12. Common Bathrooms – Communal living areas have designated (binary) gender bathrooms. Students are welcome to use the bathroom that they identify with. Students are prohibited from using or entering a bathroom designated for a gender they do not identify with. If you have questions or need assistance regarding our communal living arrangements, please contact the Office of Residential Life at 401-232-6140 or reslife@bryant.edu.
13. Storage – Storage space on campus is not available for student’s belongings. Belongings left behind after a student checks out of a space may be discarded with no compensation to the student.
14. Occupancy Limits for Campus Residential Housing
15. Visitor Policy – A visitor is considered anyone that does not reside in a student’s room, suite, or townhouse. No student shall have more than one on-Bryant visitor at any time. The behavior of visitors is the responsibility of the host student. Host students will be held responsible for inappropriate behavior (vandalism, fights, harassment, etc.) committed by their visitors and referred to the student conduct process. Therefore, students are required to always accompany their visitors around the campus and to monitor their behavior. Each student has the right to their room, however, the further privilege of entertaining visitors in a bedroom is a negotiable agreement between roommates. Visitors will not be permitted on campus unless cleared by their hosts through the entrance gate. Visitors coming on campus after 11:45 pm must have their host come to claim them at the gate. Visitors may stay overnight in the residence halls or townhouses for a maximum of two (2) nights within a (7) seven-day period. Resident students who consistently stay/sleep in another resident’s room and/or suite for more than (2) two nights may be subject to disciplinary action.
• All visitors shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age, unless accompanied by a parent or certified legal guardian, or with prior approval of the parent or guardian from the Office of Residential Life. Students expecting visitors under the age of 18 must request such permission from the Office of Residential Life no less than three (3) days before their visitors scheduled arrival. Alumni who are staying overnight in the residence halls need to be registered as visitors.
• Visitors (regardless of age) may not bring any amount of alcohol onto campus at any time. Visitor passes will not be issued for the first full week, including the first weekend, after the start of the Fall Semester; the week of Halloween; nor from the Wednesday before Spring Weekend through the Sunday of Spring Weekend. Likewise, visitor passes will not be issued from the final day of classes each semester through the conclusion of the final exam schedule. Visitor passes will not be issued during breaks, holidays, and summer semesters. Please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students Office at 401-232-6046 with any questions. To request a Visitor Pass, go to the Visitor Pass Request Process.
• Violation of the visitor policy may lead to the loss of future visitor privileges. Visitors who breach Bryant University policies may be prohibited from entering the campus. In certain cases, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or their designee may contact the visitors’ College or University to address the situation further.
• The Office of Residential Life requires students to coordinate with their roommate(s) regarding occupancy limits set in the Occupancy and Board Contract. At any given time, the maximum number of individuals allowed in a residence hall bedroom is six (6) persons; in a residence hall suite is fifteen (15) persons; and in a townhouse is twenty (20) persons.
16. Visitor Policy for Commuting Students – Commuting students are not considered visitors and may enter campus at any time with a valid Bryant University ID. Commuters may host visitors. The visitor policy applies to their visitors. Commuters staying overnight in a residence hall must obtain a visitor pass through a resident student. In this case, all policies and procedures noted for outside visitors shall apply to the commuting student.
17. Laundry Facilities – Laundry facilities are in an all residential halls, the townhouse utility room, and in Townhouses E and H through P. The University will not be responsible for damage to, or loss of, individual property associated with the use of laundry facilities or for items left unattended in the laundry rooms. All laundry facilities are managed by a third-party vendor.
18. Entry/Inspection – University personnel may enter students’ rooms to perform routine maintenance during normal working hours whether the resident is present. Residential Life staff will inspect rooms, suites, and townhouses each month, and prior to/or during all University breaks. The University reserves the right to designate which areas can and will be inspected, including exposing areas that have been covered or obstructed by students. The purpose of inspections is to detect damage, verify furniture inventory, report repairs needed, and check general cleanliness, as well as fire, health, and safety standards. When a representative of the Residential Life, Student Affairs, Facilities Management, Public Safety, or the Fire Department seeks access to a student’s room for any legal purpose, reasonable effort will be made to notify the occupant in advance of such entry. However, unannounced inspections will be conducted to assure compliance with fire safety regulations, hall closing procedures, when an officer of the University has witnessed or has reasonable suspicion of a violation of the University policy. During inspections, a university official carrying out the responsibilities of their position may cite the student for violations in plain sight. In cases where room inspections are not satisfactory, Residential Life or other designees may inspect more frequently or conduct unannounced inspections as needed and/or take disciplinary action. Prohibited items will be confiscated and disposed of in a manner deemed appropriate by a university official without compensation to the owner. The Fire Marshall or designee may conduct unannounced fire safety inspections.
1. The following items are not allowed in or around any resident hall / townhouse at any time. Any prohibited items found in or around the residence halls or townhouses will be confiscated and discarded without compensation to the owner, including:
• Any heat-producing appliances including, but not limited to, hot plates, heating/immersion coils, electric fry pans, coffee makers of all kinds (excluding Keurig and “pod”-type), toaster ovens, toasters, electric blankets, electric heaters, microwave ovens, hot pots, or popcorn poppers. (All of the above are allowed in the townhouses except heating/immersion coils and electric heaters.)
• Halogen lamps; five-light, multi-head floor lamps, paper lanterns.
• Garland or tinsel.
• 2-prong extension cords; splitters, or three way “octopus plugs”; “daisy chaining” extension cords.
• Any flame sources including, but not limited to candles and incense; this includes unlit and/or decorative candles. Students seeking the use of open flame items for religious/spiritual practices should contact the Office of Residential Life three weeks prior to the arrival of campus or the day of practice (reslife@bryant.edu or 401-232-6144).
• Extra Furniture, including, but not limited to, headboards, lofts, bars, desk chairs, rugs [larger than 5×7], extra beds, inflatable furniture [air mattresses, chairs/sofas, etc.], bed extenders, cubes/ottomans, papasan chairs, cloth or wooden drawers, wooden drying racks, plywood, tables of any kind, lumber of any kind).
• Waterbeds, hot tubs, pools, slip and slides.
• Television or radio antennae/dishes that are placed outside the room or window or anywhere on the exterior of the building or grounds.
• Weights
• White boards, and any other messaging boards on pubic-facing doors, hallways, or other community common spaces.
• Firearms, BB guns, paintball guns, knives, pellet and air/or guns, pepper spray, mace, tasers, stun guns, or any type of weapon or ammunition. Brandishing weapons such as hand pellet guns and other weapons where a reasonable person may interpret it to be a genuine article may have criminal as well as Code of Conduct implications.
• Fireworks or explosives of any type.
• Propane, gasoline, kerosene, gas grills, other hazardous chemicals.
• Motorcycles, mopeds, other gas-powered vehicles.
• Dart boards/darts
• Traffic signs, neon signs, traffic cones, university signs.
• Alcoholic beverage containers, beer boxes, empty kegs, beer balls, taps, Kegerators, keg refrigerators, funnels, Beirut/beer pong tables, or other alcohol paraphernalia, etc. may not be used for decorative or any other purposes in the residence halls. Shot glasses in first-year residence halls. Possession of these items may be viewed as evidence of consumption.
• Paint and paint brushes
• Wooden corn hole boards (except in the townhouses)
• Air conditioners
• Cinder blocks: shelving of all kinds, or anything mounted to furniture, walls, or ceilings.
• Fog/smoke machines, strobe lights, or instruments including incense.
• Bullhorns; megaphones, air horns, vuvuzelas.
• Drugs and drug paraphernalia of any kind.
• Hukas, Hookahs
• Multi-quart beverage coolers
• Scanners/surveillance cameras
• Deep freezers, ice makers
• Vapes, e-cigarettes or any other electronic smoking device.
• Maximum size for a refrigerator in a room, suite, or townhouse: 5.0 cubic feet. Maximum number of refrigerators: one per assigned room resident.
2. Security – Security systems are designed for the protection of all students. Students are expected to lock their room/suite/Townhouse doors. Vandalism of these facilities will not be tolerated. Vandalism of exterior building doors or locks or any other such security system will be subject to appropriate University discipline procedures. The propping of exterior doors is strictly prohibited. In addition, students are prohibited from climbing through windows or being on ledges or roofs of buildings and exiting/entering through fire exits when there is not an emergency. Students are prohibited from throwing any objects at, toward, or out of any windows. Personal security or surveillance cameras are prohibited in all residential halls/Townhouses.
3. Rights of Others/Noise – Each student will respect and observe the rights of other students occupying University residence halls. Excessive noise, including the use of radios, stereos, personal music devices, televisions, etc., at a level that can be heard beyond the boundaries of the room is prohibited. Repeated violations of this policy may result in the mandatory removal of the noise producing item. Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests, and guests may be asked to leave the space due to a noise violation.
4. Vandalism/Damage– Damage, theft, or acts of vandalism to University or vendor owned property are strictly forbidden. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action and may also face criminal prosecution. Each student is financially responsible for the cost of the replacement or repair of any breakage or damage (except normal wear and tear) to their room/suite/ townhouse and its furnishings and the costs of any damages in the common areas of the residence halls. Residents are not permitted to repair damage of any kind (i.e., painting, furniture repairs, plastering of holes in walls, etc.). Students will be held responsible for the actions of their guests resulting in damage.
5. Cooking – Is not allowed in residence hall rooms or suites. Cooking is allowed in designated community kitchens using only University-provided appliances in Warren, Barrington, and Bristol. Any personal appliances listed on the prohibited items list brought to the designated area will still be regarded as a prohibited item and will be confiscated.
6. Appliances – Clothing/hair irons and hair dryers are the only heat–producing appliances allowed in the residence halls. Low wattage electrical equipment such as clocks, radios, stereos, etc. (and their attached cords) must be UL-approved. The University and the Smithfield Fire Department reserve the right to determine if electrical equipment is dangerous and to require its removal from University residence halls.
7. Confiscated Items – Student must retrieve any confiscated prohibited items by the end of the semester the item was confiscated. Students should contact their Community Director to coordinate their items’ retrieval before leaving campus. All items not removed by the academic year’s end will be discarded.
8. Solicitation – Door to door solicitation is strictly prohibited in the residence halls. Any other type of sales or promotion within the residence halls must receive prior written permission by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life or designee. Students cannot operate a business from their room, suite, or townhouse, unless approval is granted by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs. Students can use this link to request approval for student businesses https://engaged.bryant.edu/submitter/form/start/594239.
9. Pets – No pets are allowed in the University residence halls except for non-carnivorous small fish (maximum one tank per room with tank size of 10 gallons). Any student found with a pet will be fined $20 per day until the pet is removed. Students are responsible for finding an appropriate permanent off-campus living situation for the animal in the prescribed timeframe for removal. Applications to have an emotional support animal must be submitted to the Office of Accessibility Services. Approval must be granted by the University before the animal can be brought onto campus.
10. Fire Prevention/Drills/Equipment – Students are expected to notify Public Safety of any potential fire or a safety hazard and promptly report any fire. Residents are expected to observe fire safety procedures established for their halls, including the participation in fire alarm/evacuation drills. Students must leave the building when an alarm sounds or be subject to disciplinary action, fines, and/or possible arrest. Students are expected to help prevent false alarms and should report any tampering of fire safety equipment to Residential Life staff or directly to the Department of Public Safety.
11. Hall Sports – Hall sports are strictly prohibited in all residence halls. Repeated violations of this policy may result in confiscation of any items involved.
12. Gambling – Gambling in any form is strictly prohibited in and around the residence facilities.
13. Alcohol – In accordance with Rhode Island state law, alcohol may not be possessed or consumed by anyone under the age of 21. Residents who are of legal drinking age in the suites and townhouses are extended the privilege of possessing a limited quantity of alcoholic beverages but may do so only in the privacy of their own bedroom. The exception is when all suite or townhouse residents are age 21 or over, which enables residents and their age 21 or over guest to consume alcohol in the common room of their suite/townhouse. Students under the age of 21 are not allowed to be in the presence of alcohol. The sponsoring student(s) of any gathering at which alcohol is served is solely responsible for assuring that all guests are of legal drinking age, and for assuring the safety of their guests and all other persons at such gatherings. The sponsoring student(s) will be held fully responsible for any breach of this duty and may be subject to financial damages and/or disciplinary measures. In addition to the state law and above-stated policy, students are subject to the alcohol policies found in the Student Handbook.
14. Drugs – The sale, transfer, distribution, use, dealing in, manufacturing, or possession of narcotics, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia, or the distribution or misuse of prescribed drugs in and around the residence facilities are strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to university disciplinary procedures as well as criminal prosecution under state and federal laws. Dealing in narcotics and/or illegal drugs will constitute grounds for suspension or dismissal from the residence hall system and further disciplinary action by the University.
15. Entertainment Services – The presence of unsanctioned non-University entertainment services including, but not limited to, adult entertainment, human impersonators and musicians is prohibited. The act of creating and carrying out an unsanctioned contract with such services is also prohibited. Students who have an interest planning official campus co-curricular programs or have ideas for programs for students on campus, please contact The Office of Student Activities.
All terms and conditions are subject to change.
Updated 08/18/2024
Location: Unistructure, 2nd Floor (across from Post Office)
Phone: 401-232-6140
Email: jberardi@bryant.edu
Website: Community Standards and Service
Community service is an important component of the Bryant experience as we strive to foster a culture of service that extends beyond our campus and into the broader community. As an integral part of Bryant’s vibrant student life, we believe in the power of service to build empathy, enhance diverse educational experiences, develop leadership skills, and positively impact the world. We offer opportunities for all students to participate in service-based community engagement both on and off campus. Our signature programs feature campus clean-up days throughout the academic year, opportunities to volunteer in the local community, joining a service-based student organization, as well as a weeklong immersive service trip during Spring Break. We encourage you to join us for an opportunity to make a difference within our community and the world!
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor – Room 214
Phone: 401-232-6993
Email: bryantcommuter@bryant.edu
Website: Commuter Student Services
Commuter Life
Commuter Students have access to all resources on campus as well as resources specifically designed to meet their needs as commuters. The Office of New Student Programs is the point of contact for questions regarding commuter life on campus. Specifically designed resources for commuter students include the Commuter Hub, The Bryant Commuter Newsletter, and the Commuter Connection. The Commuter Hub located on the 2nd floor of the Fisher Student Center is a lounge designated for commuter students. The Commuter Hub features soft seating, a TV, study tables, and a kitchenette including a microwave, Keurig, and refrigerator. The Bryant Commuter Newsletter is a monthly email newsletter for commuter students including resources on campus and upcoming events to look forward to. Additionally, commuter students are invited to join the Commuter Connection which is a student organization that provides opportunities for commuter students to plan and attend activities and events.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 2nd Floor – Suite 213
Phone: 401-232-6993
Email: Orientation@bryant.edu
Website: New Student Programs and Leadership
New Student Programs works with students to facilitate their transition to campus by providing programs and services to support the co-curricular needs of students and to enhance the life of Bryant community members. Some signature programs include: New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, September (Transfer) Orientation, Bulldog Beginnings, Family and Friends Weekend, January (Transfer) Orientation, and Finals Programming. The staff works collaboratively with various campus departments to help students strengthen their connection to the Bryant community by welcoming and acclimating students and by providing resources, support and information to enrich their college experience.
Location: Fisher Student Center, 3rd Floor
Instagram: @bryantstudentactivities
Email: activities@bryant.edu
Website: Student Activities
Mission & Charge
Student Activities located on the 3rd floor of the Fisher Student Center, supports a diverse array of co-curricular programming, student organizations, University signature events such as Family & Friends Weekend, Homecoming, and Senior Week among others, and Fraternity and Sorority Life. Additionally, Student Activities staff serve as the advisors for the University Student Government and the Student Programming Board. Student Activities strives to develop and empower students as they meet Bryant’s mission to “discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world” while also promoting inclusive opportunities that foster personal and professional development, innovation, and global thinking.
Administrative Support and Advisement
Student Activities serves as an advisor and guide for new and emerging ideas. Students can visit Student Activities to explore new ideas and initiatives that they are interested in pursuing. A student who is interested in expanding their co-curricular portfolio or getting more involved can work with both professional and student staff in Student Activities. Student Organizations can find support by visiting the Student Organization Resource Center.
President, Ross Gittell, AB, MBA, Ph.D.
Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer, Donna Ng, BS, MBA
Vice President for Enrollment Management, Michelle Cloutier, BA, MBA ‘05
Vice President for Human Resources and Secretary of the Corporation, Tim Paige, BA
Vice President for Information Services/CIO, Chuck LoCurto, BS, MBA
Provost, Rupendra Paliwal, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Inge-Lise Ameer, BA, Ed., Ed.D.
Vice President for University Advancement, David Wegrzyn, BS, M.Ed.
President, Ross Gittell, AB, MBA, Ph.D.
The President is the chief executive officer of the University.
This Division is comprised of the following offices:
Athletics 401-232-6070/6071
Human Resources 401-232-6010
Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategy 401-232-6027
John H. Chafee Center for International Business 401-232-6525
Office of Marketing and Communications 401-232-6120
Director of Athletics and Recreation, Bill Smith, J.D
Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer, Donna Ng, BS, MBA
Vice President for Enrollment Management, Michelle Cloutier, BA, MBA ‘05
Vice President for Human Resources and Secretary of the Corporation, Tim Paige, BA
Vice President for Information Services/CIO, Chuck LoCurto, BS, MBA
Vice President of Marketing and Communications,
Provost, Rupendra Paliwal, Ph.D.
Vice President for Strategy and Institutional Effectiveness, Edinaldo Tebaldi, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Inge-Lise Ameer, BA, Ed., Ed.D.
Vice President for University Advancement, David Wegrzyn, BS, M.Ed.
Rupendra Paliwal, Ph.D.
Provost and Chief Academic Officer 401-232-6060
Dr. Wendy Samter, Associate Provost 401-232-6060
Dr. Veronica McComb, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences 401-232-6711
Dr. Todd Alessandri, Dean of the College of Business 401-232-6308
Ashley Hughes, PA-C, Director, Physician Assistant Program 401-232-6556
Associate Dean, College of Business 401-232-6939
Dr. Denise Horn, Associate Dean of Curriculum and Assessment, College of Arts and Sciences 401-232-6206
The Office of the Provost also supervises the following offices:
Academic Center for Excellence 401-232-6746
Center for Teaching Excellence 401-232-6000 x20471
Graduate and Professional Education 401-232-6204
School of Health and Behavioral Sciences 401-232-6556
John H. Chafee Center for International Business, World Trade Center Rhode Island 401-232-6407
Douglas and Judith Krupp Library 401-232-6125
Office of the Registrar 401-232-6080
Study Abroad 401-232-6209
Undergraduate Academic Advising 401-232-6210
Donna Ng, BS, MBA
Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer 401-232-6017
Business Affairs is comprised of the following offices:
Auxiliary Services 401-232-6035
Bursar’s Office 401-232-6030/6031
Campus Facilities Management 401-232-6052/6057
Conferences and Special Events 401-232-6921
Controller’s Office 401-232-6005
Post Office 401-232-6244
Purchasing 401-232-6018
Michelle L. Cloutier, BA, MBA ‘05
Vice President for Enrollment Management 401-232-6100
Enrollment Management is comprised of the following offices:
Admissions 401-232-6100
Financial Aid 401-232-6020
Chuck LoCurto, BS, MBA
Vice President for Information Services 401-232-6888
Information Services is comprised of the following offices:
AV 401-232-6128
Help Desk 401-232-6111
Switchboard 401-232-6000
Hong Yang, BA, MS, Ph.D.
Vice President China Programs 401-232-6223
International Affairs is comprised of the following offices:
Cultural Outreach 401-232-6887
Global Cultural Programs 401-232-6883
Office of International Students and Scholars 401-232-6955
Inge-Lise Ameer, BA, Ed., Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Vice President for Community and Belonging
Student Affairs is comprised of the following offices:
Amica Center for Career Education 401-232-6090
Campus Ministries 401-232-6712
Community Standards and Service 401-232-6137
Counseling Services 401-232-6045
Dining Services 401-232-6866
Fisher Student Center Operations 401-232-6166
Health Nutrition 401-232-6221
Health Promotion 401-232-6982
Health Services 401-232-6220
Office for Community and Belonging 401-232-6900
New Student Programs and Leadership 401-232-6993
Planning and Assessment 401-232-6278
Public Safety 401-232-6001
The PwC Center
– Intercultural Center 401-232-6946
– Women’s and Pride Center 401-232-6854
Residential Life 401-232-6140
Student Activities 401-232-6952
Title IX 401-232-6105
David Wegrzyn ’86
Vice President for University Advancement 401-232-6561
Through the departments of Alumni and Parent Engagement, Development, and Advancement Services, the Division of University Advancement works to advance the University’s mission by engaging alumni, parents/guardians, and friends in the life of the University; securing philanthropic support; and by representing the University to various constituencies and the general public.